Saturday, July 1, 2023

Spreading The Good (5th Evolution) Word

Today I wanted to talk about one of my favorite and under appreciated book lines, Limitless Adventures 5th Evolution line. 

I realize the comic is too small to read, but if you click on it, it'll take you to a legible version. 

To play a 5th Evolution game, you just need the 5e SRD or the core 5e books and you are good to go. 

Each 5th Evolution book is comic book sized and starts with a comic that sets up an adventure. These comics are great because LA give you the pdfs when you buy one of their books. This includes a separate comic pdf that you can send to your players to get them hyped for the game. The book then presents the adventure, genre/setting rules, premade characters (and rules to make your own characters). 

A big difference with these books and standard D&D setting books is that characters are assumed to stay roughly the same power level. They may gain new stuff and they progress, but don't level up in the traditional sense. However, everything is 5e compatible so you can add stuff to 5th Evolution or take the 5th Evolution content and add it to your regular 5e game.

These are the current 5th Edition books (with hyperlinked reviews):
I know there are games other than 5th edition that do these genres and that's great. However, like it or not, some people just really like 5th edition rules. Personally they're one of my favorites. These books let you expand the game and offer something different, but still comfortably the same. 

If you’d like to get a sample, check out this mini adventure set in Carbide City.

Grab your copies here today and let me know what you think.short adventure

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you on the 5E thing. I've really taken to the rules and would love to take them for a spin in all kinds of genres.
