Friday, September 29, 2023

A New "Exotic" Zombie For Your Survive This!! Games

Why should 5e have all the fun? I decided that SURVIVE THIS!! Zombies! 2E needed a version zombie strippers too. I've seen a few zombie stripper scenes in movies, but the one in Scout's Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse is my favorite. You can watch the scene here.

Zombie Stripper

These insidious zombies still look mostly human (perception related rolls to identify them as zombies are made with disadvantage). They also retain their flexibility and fluid movement and can be quite distracting. If alone when encountering survivors the zombie will initially start doing an erotic dance. After two rounds of this those witnessing must make a Mental saving throw or toss an item of value to the zombie. This will cause the zombie to be distracted for one round after which it will attack. These zombies can also be distracted for one round by throwing cash, even when pursing prey.

Armor Class: 15
Hit Dice: 3
Move: 12
Actions: 1
Attack: Claw (1d4) or Bite (1d4)
Special: +2 to Toughness, bite spreads zombie virus, appear human, work the pole 
Bonuses: +3 to Melee attacks, +1 to Damage
Pack Size: 1d4+1 or solitary
Methods of Termination: destroying the brain

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