Friday, September 29, 2023

That's What The Kids Are Calling Him. I Think Its Swell.

The red band trailer for the Toxic Avenger reboot has been released. I'm not expecting too much, but it could be fun. I've also included some teaser images below as well. Remember if you'd like to play a Toxie-style character in Carbide City, I've created an archetype based on him that can be found in this post.


  1. I dunno, that trailer still makes it look an awful lot like the original. And that's not good. Perhaps the trailer is deliberately retro/Troma and the film will actually be a lot better.

    1. I think the trailer is deliberately trying to go for a Troma look. The preview images look wild, but not Troma-like to me.

    2. That was my thoughts as well, which is why I'm still retaining a degree of interest in this movie... I just hope it sheds its Troma roots and makes good use of proper film money to create a decent horror/supers combo.
