Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Can You Clear The Lightning Keep?

Lightning Keep is a 5e adventure for 4-6 level 3 characters. Set in any world, it uses creatures from Monstrous Compendium 3: Minecraft Creatures and shows how you can incorporate that content into a regular game. 

A rampaging dragon has threatened the country side and villagers have sought out the characters to clear a castle that was a safe haven created by a legendary werewolf knight. Characters will need to clear dangerous creatures, allowing the refugees to take shelter and protect themselves with the keep's magical defenses.

There are some great bits of Minecraft lore in the game. For example there are eight wolves of Overworld from the compendium that approach the characters. If  characters throw them meat, they will accept and flee. However if you offer them a bone, they will become friendly to pc's (which is how you tame wolves in the game).

You can claim this free adventure here.

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