Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Limitless NPC's Volume 2 Review

Today I thought I'd talk about an amazing 5e resource from my friends at Limitless Adventures. The book includes more than 101 new npcs (counting foe variants) to make the DM's job easier. Each entry starts with a brief  physical description that can be read the players, followed by stats, background, and treasure. Each entry also has three further adventure prompts and some sort of magic item, trinket, related stat block, description on how to reskin the character. The book is divided into allies, contacts, foes, and merchants. They also have headshots. Here is a sample:

The allies are heroic npcs that will journey with a party. They are:
  • Aforren Skrimshaw, Half-Orc Druid
  • Bellis Silver Scale, Dragonborn Healer
  • Billy West, Human Soldier (not to be confuse with Billy West, Human Voice Actor)
  • Dawn Kin O'Fae, Half-Elf Sorceress
  • Dazelight Guardian, Celestial Seer
  • Grim Devos, Tiefling Warlock
  • Gui Narrowkeep, Human Paige
  • Jezra the Dawn, Half-Elf Cleric
  • Luzei Bludhoof, Hand of the Bovinitiy (Minotaur Warrior)
  • Professor Kharsil, Human Wizard
  • Raven LeMoore, Human Diviner
  • Rook, Kenku Pickpocket
  • Sir Khet Barrow, Knight Protector of Rabbit Run (Human Warrior)
  • Snarg the Tracker, Gnoll Hunter
  • Tellis, Expert Treasure Hunter (Halfling Trapfinder)
  • Thresher Greenwall, Thug (Dwarven Warrior)
  • Ulric the Rash, Human Warrior
  • Viviana, Topaz Knight (Elven Warrior)
  • Vykkorasz, Herald of Tantamoursthe (Kobold Sorceror)
  • Zefferi Ringbound, Artifact (Celestial Artifact that can manifest a physical humanoid form)
This is a great group of neutral and good heroic types to help fill out a party. They can be temporary allies or full party members. My personal favorite in Luzei Bludhoof, though I'm a big fan of Snarg too.

The second section of npcs features contacts. These are more characters to provide quest hooks, information, or services to party. They aren't like to risk their lives for characters and it's strictly business. They are:
  • Aloysius Finzel Marquis III, Gnomish Master Haggler
  • Annora, Human High Priestess
  • Estrin Brux, Tiefling Broker
  • Glizzy Sparkleshine, Gnomish Animal Trainer
  • Gorz Hammersong, Dwarven Underwriter
  • Griptoes, Gargoyle
  • Guilhem, Orcish Astrologer
  • Gulchwater Reed, Goblin Muckraker
  • Harold Bold, Human City Watchmen
  • Hugh Wanning, Gnomish Lamplighter
  • Ivellios Liadon, Drow/Elf Dusk Archer
  • Jotan Burl, Usrine (Bearfolk) Borderwatch
  • Lady Azalea, Elven Patron
  • Matilda, Human Barmaid
  • Olyxundira, Tiefling Haruspex
  • Overand Relk, Elven Scribe
  • Sadie Brickfallow, Halfling Gardner
  • Taniella, Human Barkeep
  • Vana the Quill, Tiefling Forger
  • Vedar, Elven Mage
This is a great selection of NPC's. My favorite is Griptoes. I love the idea of a gargoyle deciding to work as an information broker. I also love Gulchwater because I have a soft spot for goblins and he's a character that just works for me.

The foes section is pretty cool. It features characters the party can face off with. Each character is presented in multiple power levels, allowing them to become reoccurring villains that level up with the party. They are:

Dendra Shirk
  • Tier 1 - Human Guild Thief
  • Tier 2 - Human Apprentice Mage    
  • Tier 3 - Human Mage Killer
  • Tier 4 - Human Unrivaled Thief
  • Tier 1 - Clay Golem Ruined Protector
  • Tier 2 - Clay Golem Reassembled   
  • Tier 3 - Clay Golem Artisan
  • Tier 4 - Clay Golem Assembler
Grod and Mort
  • Tier 1 - Ettin
  • Tier 2 - Ettin Devotees
  • Tier 3 - Ettin Pact Keepers
  • Tier 4 - Ettin Bitter Death
Jules Wynderland
  • Tier 1 - Human Socialite 
  • Tier 2 - Human Heiress  
  • Tier 3 - Human False Queen
  • Tier 4 - Fey Bejeweled Trickster
Ket Ashtomb
  • Tier 1 - Ghoul Gatherer
  • Tier 2 - Ghoul Collector of the Dead
  • Tier 3 - Ghoul Gravelord
  • Tier 4 - Ghoul Death's Champion
  • Tier 1 - Lizardfolk Warrior
  • Tier 2 - Lizardfolk Diplomat
  • Tier 3 - Lizardfolk Chief
  • Tier 4 - Lizardfolk Chosen of the Scale Lord
Serin Pimm
  • Tier 1 - (Any Race) Undermayor
  • Tier 2 - (Any Race) Burgermeister   
  • Tier 3 - (Any Race) Governor
  • Tier 4 - (Any Race) the Collector
Sir Jerrith
  • Tier 1 - Elven Lost Knight
  • Tier 2 - Elven Fallen Knight
  • Tier 3 - Elven Knight Claimed By Darkness
  • Tier 4 - Elven Warlord of the Red Horde
Sylvus Briar
  • Tier 1 - Elven Firstborn
  • Tier 2 - Elven Vine Weaver
  • Tier 3 - Elven Vine Waker
  • Tier 4 - Elven Thresher
  • Tier 1 - Doppleganger
  • Tier 2 - Doppleganger Sleeper Agent
  • Tier 3 - Doppleganger Planar Vanguard
  • Tier 4 - Doppleganger Key
These are great foes and all can fill classic villainous rolls. This is one of the best sections of the books because honestly you can build whole campaigns around these characters. 

The final section of the book contains merchants. These npc's can provide quest hooks, services, and other resources. A really helpful aspect of each of these merchants is the inclusion of goods they sell (with prices). Need a random merchant because your players want to go shopping? This is the section for you. The merchants are:
  • Aleya, Half-Orc Fletcher
  • Daisey Williams, Gnomish Real Estate Agent
  • Desirae Wildervoice, Half-Elf Shepardess
  • Emme, Fey Furnishings Seller
  • Glynda Graingrinder, Gnomish Baker
  • Grazahk, Bugbear Pickle Baron
  • Grife Stannisheim, Gnomish Tinker
  • Huk Slaught, Orcish Potionmaker
  • Lavern, Half-Orc Pie Maker and Magic Item Identifier
  • Lem Silverquill, Dwarf (Treasure) Map Seller
  • Nathali Rose, Human Herbalist
  • Olivia Ferthhold, Human Sundry Cart Operator
  • Ruby Petalmiser, Sprite Enchanter
  • Snarla, Goblin Exotic Pet Seller
  • Talia the Polyglot, Tiefling Translator
  • Grim Evan and the Midnight Faire, Grimlock Curiosity Wagon
  • Tilly Winklebean, Gnomish Tailor
  • Washwater Sadie, Tiefling Fence
  • Xen, Horned Devil Poison Merchant
  • Yeldric Wovenwood, Wood Elven Sword Merchant
I honestly love every one of these merchants but have to give a big shoutout to Grazahk, Pickle Baron. I just love the idea of a well dressed bugbear and his union uniformed goblins walking around. Grazahk will definitely appear in my upcoming nautical game

As you can see this book provides a nearly limitless (see what I did there) amount of useful content to your 5e fantasy game. 

You can order Limitless NPC's Vol.2 here.

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