Wednesday, October 18, 2023

October Horror Challenge - Dagon (2001)

I thought about going with Underwater for my "Something Fishy" entry, but ultimately went with the Stuart Gordon flick. 

Newly rich nerd Paul, his beautiful wife Barbara, and their business partners are sailing off the coast of Spain when bad weather causes their boat to crash against some rocks, pinning one of the group. Paula and Barbara head to shore. They soon find their is something off about the natives and Paul must fight to save Barbara.

This film is a Stuart Gordon adaptation of Lovecraft's Dagon and The Shadow Over Innsmouth. If you are familiar with Gordon's Lovecraft that means tits, gore, and yuck. That's not a complaint, Hell Reanimator is one of my all time favorite movies and despite its issues, I enjoy Castle Freak. Innsmouth is transplant to Spain and renamed Imboca.

While the effects are low budget and the acting is hammy, I'm a fan. I fell in love with this flick back in the early 2000's when I was discovering Lovecraft's creations (particularly through Gordon and Yuzna's splatterpunk take on it).

I think the director does a great job showing a decayed society and population that are descending into inhumanity with the old ones. I've definitely taken some inspiration from the flooded city in the past.

This one isn't for everyone, but if you want something with fish mutants, nudity, and a cult, it's a solid choice.
In Your Game

I had such a crush on Uxia when I first watched this movie. 
Uxia Cambarro,  Daughter of Dagon (Human Outsider Abomination) 
Armor Class: 13
Hit Dice: 3 (15 Hit Points)
Move: 6/ 30(Swimming)
Actions: 1
Attack: Sacrificial Golden Dagger (d4-1; see below)
Special: Low Light Vision, Toughness: Cold & Water +5 
Bonuses: +1 to attacks, +1 to Spot, +5 to Knowledge: Cthulhu Mythos, +5 to Arcana
Alignment: Evil
Morale: 7
Madness: Already lost
Terror: 8
HDE: 3

Items: Wheelchair, priestess robes, sacrificial golden dagger

Sacrificial Golden Dagger 
This ornate magical blade deals 1d4-1 damage. In addition it deals an additional point of damage each round until the victim receives magical healing or medical attention.

First Time View: 3
Total Watched (Including Non-Challenge Horror Movies): 21

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