Thursday, October 26, 2023

October Horror Challenge - Deadstream (2022)

"Found Footage" flicks aren't everyone's cup of tea. I get it, and in general, I'm not always the biggest fan. However, when done right they can be fantastic. 

Shawn is an internet personality that became infamous and lost followers when a prank went bad. To regain follows and keep his last sponsor, he agrees to stay in a supposedly haunted house overnight. He intestinally misplaces his keys and car's spark plug so that he can't escape. 

This flick finds an interesting way to justify it's found footage nature. It's a live stream. Folks streaking can also comment and send videos, which allows for brief distracts and changes of settings. The protagonist, Shawn, walks a fine line well. He's like so many annoying af YouTube personalities which means you want to punch him. At the same time, you root for him and kind of feel sorry for him. In a lot of ways he reminds me of Evil Dead's Ash. He's a douche, but he's a douche you root for. Honestly, I feel like this movie wouldn't be out of place in the Evil Dead universe. There is a grossness to the horror that also feels very Evil Dead-esque. 

If you want some laughs and legit gross horror, check this one out on Shudder.

In Your Game 
I thought about statting Shawn out as a pc, but I thought it would be more useful for folks to have an Content Creator stat block for npcs. These could be useful in What Shadows Hide and Bloody Appalachia games.

Content Creator, Human (Humanoid)
Armor Class: 12
Hit Dice: 1
Move: 12
Actions: 1
Attack: Punch (1-2) or by weapon
Special: Toughness +1, +1 to all saves
Bonuses: +3 to Electronics, +2 to Knowledge: Pop Culture, +3 to Performance, +3 to Persuasion
Alignment: Any
Morale: 10
Madness: 0 (8)
Terror: -
HDE: 1/2 point

Items: Cell phone, tablet, camera, headset, laptop, camera rig

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