Sunday, October 29, 2023

October Horror Challenge - Green Room (2015)

While "Man Is The Real Monster" is a pretty common theme in horror films I decided to go with the most monstrous of people in real life, Nazis (and their discount Neo-Nazi descendants). 

When they witness a violent crime a punk band becomes trapped in an out of the way Neo-Nazi club. The find themselves besieged by skinheads that want to silence them permanently.

I believe this is one of the first A24 flicks I watched. It's a brutal flick and hard to watch, but fantastic nonetheless. Anton Yelchin is lead, playing the band's bassist Pat. Imogen Poots plays Amber, the other lead. She's not a member of the band, but friend of one of the skinheads that's also trapped in the venue. The entire cast does an amazing job. You know they won't all survive but you really root for the band as they use whatever they can find, including a boxcutter, to fight back. The owner of the club and lead skinhead is played by Sir Patrick Stewart, in a chilling change of pace from his norm. 

If you like movies like John Carpenter's Assault on Precinct 13 or other tense horror-thrillers, this is one to check out. Again, it's not an easy one to watch, but it's good. 

In Your Game 
Add these bastards to your game and let them get slaughtered with impunity. 

Skinhead, Human (Humanoid)
Armor Class: 10
Hit Dice: 1
Move: 12
Actions: 1
Attack: knife (d4-1) or 5' chain (d6-1)
Special: Disadvantage on Courage Saves and Morale checks unless leader is present. 
Alignment: Evil
Morale: 6
Madness: 1 (8)
Terror: -
HDE: 1/2 point

Items: denim vest, knife

1 comment:

  1. I had to search this one up when it was recommended by a friend a few years back. Great selection for the challenge!
