Monday, October 23, 2023

October Horror Challenge - Project Metalbeast (1995)

For "Howl at the Moon" I wanted to go for a werewolf movie I love, but never see anyone talk about. Project Metalbeast was a direct to video werewolf project. I remember watching it on the Sy-Fy channel and loving it. The film is in English, but I couldn't find an English trailer so here's the German(?) one.

In the 70's a team of soldiers capture a werewolf. Government scientists try to use it to create super soldiers with indestructible skin. 20 years later the now metal skinned werewolf gets loose.

As you can probably tell, this isn't a good movie. However, it's a fun one. The only recognizable names in the movie are Barry Bostwick and Kane Hodder. Bostwick plays the utterly even Colonel Miller. He's not just a "doing what I need to do for the best interest of my country" evil military guy, he's comically evil. Kane Hodder plays the titular Metal Beast, which considering the films budget and such, doesn't look bad. The effects aren't great, but work for a B movie. The plot is dumb, but makes sense in that comic book/kid mentality. The film has surprisingly good pacing. 

While this one hasn't had a DVD or Blu-Ray release in the stats, you can watch if for free on Tubi or Vudu.
In Your Game 
The Metalbeast is a great antagonist for an agent of C.A.R.E. It would also be a formidable foe for another werecreature.

Metalbeast (Humanoid - Werewolf)

Armor Class: 18
Hit Dice: 80 (7 HD)
Move: 18
Actions: 2
Attack: Bite (d8) or Claws (d6). Bite has a chance to spread the curse. The target must attempt a Critical or Magical save at midnight for the next three days. If they fall all , they become a werewolf
Special: Were-beast, The Death Hunt Fearless, Dark Vision 60', Seize the Moment +3, Run at X5 Move,  Toughness +8
Bonuses: +10 to melee attacks, +5 to melee damage, +10 to Athletics: Basic, +5 to Initiative, +10 to Jump and Climb, +10 to Listen
Alignment: Evil
Morale: 10
Madness: 12 (15)
Terror: 15
HDE: 8

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