Friday, October 20, 2023

October Horror Movie Challenge - Kill List (2011)

I've already watched one of the greatest pieces of "Folk Horror" this year when I rewatched The Wicker Man. Kill List has been on my to watch list for a while. I recently discovered it was on Tubi and I've seen it described as neo-folk horror.

Ex-soldier turned contract killer, Jay, his been left mentally and physically broken after a disastrous job. He's broke, which leads to trouble with his marriage. His friend Gal gets him to take on a new job. This job causes the pair to become involved in a strange cult.

This film was surprising. The first part of the film plays out like a crime thriller. It's a slow burn that builds tension until the horror becomes truly visceral. Early on it's hard to watch. It's uncomfortable to see a failing relationship that involves screaming and violence, especially when there is a child involved. Once the movie shifts from thriller to horror, the mood really changes. Honestly this movie and the cult left me with more questions than answers. It's an emotional gut bunch of a film and is well crafted. I could see all of that turning some folks off, but at the same time I can also see why this is on several best of modern horror lists.
In Your Game: 
For the first time this challenge I am at a loss for game stats to create. That being said  you can definitely steal elements of this plot to use for a What Shadows Hide game. Actually the plot would make an interesting campaign idea. The characters are hired killers that find themselves caught up in the mechanizations of a cult.

First Time View: 4
Total Watched (Including Non-Challenge Horror Movies): 24

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