Saturday, May 25, 2024

No Matter How Patriotic They Are...

We are a little less that three weeks away from the debut of the new season of The Boys and I'm pretty stoked. 

If you didn't know Homelander is on trial for his actions at the end of the previous season. Here's some PR from Vought International about it.

BREAKING: A record number of patriots applied to be jurors at Homelander’s trial, including this local school teacher, who was deemed biased because he cosplayed as his favorite hero ONCE. More proof this is a sham of a trial, and that our greatest hero will soon be #HomeFree!

"What do you do... when your bro is in hot water?" That’s what Deep bravely asked himself, volunteering as a character witness for Homelander’s trial. Read his watershed expose in this month’s V-PLE, and think about what YOU can do to help keep our greatest hero #HomeFree!"

"As his “trial” begins, please remember that the sketches of Homelander are just that: sketches! Mere chalk drawings by humans could never capture just how alert and laser-focused Homelander is on this case. His resolve to be #HomeFree has NEVER BEEN STRONGER."
The jabs at Trump and conservatives this show (and it's related media) does is damn entertaining. And as always follow the links below for some The Boys 5e content:

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