Sunday, July 21, 2024

The 666 - Alchol (01)

Alchol the Baneful Brewmaster (Standard Order Demon)
The ancient demon known as Alchol claims to be the first to introduce fermentation to mortals. Despite his skeletal appearance, his charming demeanor and smooth words often allow him to join in mortal festivities. He's even been known to offer boons to those that can provide a new intoxicating experience to the old fiend (not an easy task). The demon delights in encouraging mortals to excess, spreading chaos through drunken debauchery. One more drink couldn't hurt, right?

Armor Class 2 [17]
Hit Dice 8 (36 HP) 
Attacks 2 X Mug (1d4)
THAC0 12[+7]
Movement 120' (60')
Saving Throws D 8 W 9 P 10 B 10 S 12
Morale 8
Alignment Chaotic
XP 1200
Number Appearing Unique
Treasure Type 

  • Demon 
  • Gate:  incubus/succubus (65% probability of success)
  • Drunken aura: Any mortal creature within 30' of Alchol must make a save versus poison each round or become intoxicated (suffering a -2 to hit until they rest).
  • Everfull Mug: Can fill any drinking vessel in his presence with an alcohol of his choice he's encountered.
  • Summoning Toast: Alchol always knows when his name has been invoked in a toast and can teleport to that location.

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