Tuesday, October 1, 2024

October Horror Challenge - Here For Blood (2022)

It's October 1st which means its time to start the challenge. Today's prompt is pretty simple: first time watch. I'm already deviating from my plan. Tonight I watched Here For Blood on Tubi.

Tom is a wrestler trying to make a living. Despite his reluctance he agrees to babysit a 10 year old girl for his girlfriend. He soon finds himself defending the little girl from crazed cultists.


I was happy to find this one Tubi. The premise is fun and the flick is a nice throwback to the 90's action movies I used to watch with my dad. Honestly while there are horror elements to this one, it's heavy on the action. There aren't any huge laughs, but definitely some chuckles. Checked this one out because of the wrestling related plot. Not familiar with the, but two of the cultists are played by indie Canadian wrestlers. The main character is played Shawn Roberts (who I recognized as Wesker from the Resident Evil flicks). 

Blood is in the title and this flick is full of it. We're talking Evil Dead 2 levels. Honestly that's not a bad reference. The movie has Evil Dead/Army of Darkness vibes to me. Not necessarily in plot, but just the absurd comedy mixed with horror (and some action). The cult members has some interesting mask. I really liked Spinhead's. 

This one isn't high art, but it was fun as Hell. Oh yeah and while it basically repeats the same lines, there's a decaying immortal head voiced by Dee Snider!

In Your Game 
Because of the Evil Dead vibes I'm going to stat Tom out for Army of Darkness. The Eternal Ones could be the Dark Ones.

Tom O'Bannon
Life Points: 65

Drama Points: 10

Strength:  5
Dexterity: 4
Constitution: 5
Intelligence: 2  
Perception: 2
Willpower: 4

Attractiveness +4 (4)
Big Chin (1)
Buff Guy (3)
Fast Reaction Time (2)
Hard to Kill (5)
Natural Toughness (2)
Nerves of Steel (4)

Love (2)

Skills:  20
Driving/Riding 1
Getting Medieval 4 
Influence 1
Knowledge 1
Kung Fu 5
Mr. Fix It 1
Notice 2
Sports 5

Maneuvers:          Bonus     Damage           Notes
Axe                         10          25               Slash/Stab 
Grapple                   11          -                  See page 90 
Punch                      10          10               Bash 
Slam-Tackle            10          10               See page 91 
Dodge                     10            -                Defense action
Wrestling Hold       10            -                See page 92   

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