Friday, March 31, 2017

DCC Lankhmar Kickstarter and Sale

Hmm, perhaps I should do DCC stats
for the depowered Wonder Woman.
Goodman Games recently launched their DCC Lankhmar kickstarter. They're doing a boxed set and as a previous Goodman Games kickstarter backer I can tell you that their boxed sets are fantastic.

The three current DCC Lankhmar pdfs are on sale. You can pick up the two adventures, Through Ningauble's Cave and Masks of Lankhmar for only 2 bucks a piece. In addition, you can also pick up Patrons of Lankhmar for the same price. I just snagged them all. I haven't had a chance to read them thoroughly, but I like what I've seen so far.

Are you a fan of Fafhrd and Gray Mouser? If so you should check out the Kickstarer.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Destiny 2 Trailers

I didn't play Destiny. I probably won't play Destiny 2. That being said I watched these trailers at work today, laughed my butt off, and got they urge to play some science fantasy (Starfinder and White Star come to mind). If you need to smile (and love Nathan Fillion like I do), watch these.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Succubus Sunday - Planescape:Torment Tarot

VIII. Strength

Strength is usually depicted as a ferocious lion being easily tamed by a tender girl, the point of the card being that the true strength comes not from fangs and claws, but rather from virtue and solid moral values. Which applies perfectly to Fall-From-Grace, a demoness succubus who took the vow of chastity and became a cleric to tame her inner beast.

You can check out more Planescape: Torment Tarot cards here.

Saturday, March 25, 2017


Landing in August of this year, Starfinder is a science fantasy rpg that's fully compatible (and the future... setting-wise) of Pathfinder. I'm a bit familiar with some setting info outside of Golarion because of Distant Worlds, People of the Stars, and the Iron Gods adventure path. Initially my interest in Starfinder was very mild. I thought it was a cool idea, but whatever. However, the more I see Paizo talk about it and the more I think about it, the more excited I get.

This Polygon article does a great job of talking about the game.

Our first official taste of Starfinder will be with Paizo's Free RPGDay offering, First Contact.

Pre-orders are up for the core book, monster book, the adventure path, and several accessories.

Also, once I get the book you can be damned sure this is going to happen.

So anyone else interested in Starfinder?

Friday, March 24, 2017

Robert E. Howard RPG Tribute

In the premiere issue of their digital magazine, Modiphia, Modiphius has created one of the coolest rpg tributes I've seen.

The free pdf has Robert E Howard game statistics for Conan: Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of. In addition to the stats you get a biographic background of Howard and speculation as to his journeys in Hyborea. You can pick up Modiphia #1 here.

I haven't actually played Conan or it's 2d20 system yet. I backed the Kickstarter and will be getting the core book in print (and everything else as a pdf). I already have the core and adventure supplements in pdf, but I'm waiting for a physical copy to really dive in to the game.

If you want to give the game a shot you can grab the Conan quick start here at no cost. While the core book isn't in print yet, you can grab the pdf here and the Jeweled Thrones of Earth adventure compilation here.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Off the Beaten Path: Forest Excursions

Today I received my copy of +Thom Wilson's Off the Beaten Path: Forest Excursions. I was excited to back the project and am very happy with the results. There's a system neutral and Swords & Wizardry Light version. I chose the Swords & Wizardry Light version. The book contains 23 one or two page forest adventures that are designed for low and medium level groups. In the S&W Light version each adventure has everything you need (including monster and magic item stats). I can't wait to use the adventures. Despite each being set in the forest, the adventures feels pretty unique.

You should support Thom on Patreon. I do and am quite happy to do it.

Obligatory book selfie
The layout is simple and precise, a wonderful combination.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Ash Wednesday - Minotaur

Name: Minotaur Maruader
Motivation: Glorious Battle
Critter Type: Beastman
Attributes: Str 8, Dex 4, Con 8, Int 2, Per 5, Will 4
Ability Scores: Muscle 22, Combat 14, Brains 13
Life Points: 89
Drama Points: 5
Special Abilities: Attractiveness -5, Hard to Kill 5, Never Gets Lost
Name                   Score   Damage               Notes
Dodge                    14         -                    Defense action
Battle Axe              14       40                   Slash/stab
Gore                      14       32                   Slash/stab
Slam Tackle           22       16                   Bash

Monday, March 20, 2017

2017 A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal

It's that time of the year again. Last year talked about 5th Edition D&D and booze (two of favourite things). This year I'm going to focus on my homebrew Swords & Wizardry Light setting, Portsmaw. You can read an overview of the Appalachian Ohio inspired setting here. With the challenge I'll focus more on locations, denizens, magic, and other peculiarities.

Monstrous Monday - Glass Men (LotFP)

This story originally appeared in Adventures into the Unknown #54 

Glass Men
Armor: 12,  HD: 2 (8 HP), Movement 12, 1 punch (1d6 damage) Morale 12

Any creature attacking a glass man must make a successful save vs. Poison or slowly loose their intelligence as become a glass creature. 

Friday, March 17, 2017

Friday in Freeport - Shadow of the Demon Lord Freeport Companion (Final Hours)

We're in the last hours of the Shadow of the Demon Lord Freeport Companion. Shadow of the Demon Lord is great and Freeport is also great, so think of this as the ultimate peanut butter and chocolate together sanity destroying combo. If you want to get into the game, this is a optimal time. Every product in the game's catalog are available as add-ons at a reduced cost.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Cucurbitus (S&W Light)

AC 7 [12]                     HD: 1+1                                  Attacks: Tiny Club (1d6-2, minimum 1)              Move: 12

Curcurbitae (singular cucurbitus) are tiny gourd-like fey. They hide among fields and use their magic to increase help friendly farmers. While they can be reclusive they are known to bask in the adoration their mystically enhanced gourds recieve. While primarily known for the giant pumpkins they can also create smaller healing gourds (which take 2 rounds to fully consume and heal for 1d6+1 HP). In Portsmaw and the Oh'yio River Valley they are celebrated at the annual pumpkin show, held near the autumnal equinox.

New Guardian - The Wandering Nephil

I wanted to try statting out a higher level character in Guardians so here's Kid Nephil's father, The Wandering Nephil

THE WANDERING NEPHIL (Nathaniel "Neph" Avery)
Supernatural Power Wielder (7th level)
Str 12 (0) Int 15 (1) Wis 11 (0) Dex 13 (1) Con 16 (2) Cha 14 (1)
Gifts: Leader, Occultist, Detective, Medical Background, Police Powers
Powers: Flight, Ultimate Healing, Ultimate Regeneration, Ultimate Super Striker (Smiter), Life Support
Limits: Empathic Healing, Vulnerable to Heat
Issues: Enemy (Neros the fallen archangel)
Gadgets: None
Equipment: Leather Jacket, Smiter (+5 to hit, 4d6+5 damage)
HP: 48 EP: 17 ST: 6 AC 8/12
Languages: English, Latin Profession: Doctor

New Limit: 

Empathic: This (luckily) rare limit typically only applies to the healing power. When the character uses this power, they effectively take the wounds and injuries they are healing into themselves. They take a point of damage for every HP they heal.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Ash Wednesday - Cockatrice

I thought I'd stat some more D&D beasties for Army of Darkness in case I ever get around to running Ash vs. The Keep on the Borderlands. This is the second, the first being the mimic

Name: Cockatrice
Motivation: Be a total cock
Critter Type: Magical Beast
Attributes: Str 1, Dex 3, Con 3, Int 1, Per 3, Will 1
Ability Scores: Muscle 8, Combat 12, Brains 8
Life Points: 26
Drama Points: 5
Special Abilities: Attractiveness -5, Petrifying Peck
Name                   Score   Damage               Notes
Dodge                    12         -                    Defense action
Peck                       12         3                   Slash/stab plus petrifying peck*

*Anytime a cockatrice pecks a person they must make a Constitution (doubled) roll. If failed the victim is turned to stone.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Monstrous Monday - Malevo the Living Ghost (LotFP)

Malevo the Living Ghost, First Lieutenant of Satan appeared in Adventures into the Unknown #1.

Malevo the Living Ghost Armor: 16,  HD: 10 (66 HP), Movement 120'/120' (Fly) 1 slam (2d6 damage Morale 12

Because of God's curse, Malevo can never truly be killed, only temporarily driven away. Normally he can only be harmed by magic (and magic weapons), though certain relics render him temporarily vulnerable to mortal hands. In addition, one per day he can cast Animate Dead Monster as a 10th level Magic-User.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Scruffy Nerf Herders

My party finished Curse of Strahd (abridged edition) last session so as I promised them we would, we gave Fantasy Flight's Star Wars rpg's a spin. I ran the Edge of the Empire Beginner Game adventure for them and we had a lot of fun.

The guys' main rpg experience with D&D 5E (though one player has also played 1e when he was younger and another has played Pathfinder online). Fantasy Flight's system feels very different. Sure ultimately it's a make believe game with funny dice, but it plays very different. The guys really loved the improv story elements of the game (which you get from rolling advantages and triumphs). One of the coolest moments of the night was when the party was being pursued by two groups of stormtroopers and a player used his advantage and triumph to cause a nerf herd to stampede and block one of the groups.

This is definitely a system I want use again. Remy said it's one that he feels comfortable enough to run, so I might actually get to be on the player side for once.  That would be amazing.

Has anyone else taken Edge of Empire, Age of Rebellion, or Force and Destiny out for a spin?

Succubus Sunday - Thrall of Graz'zt

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Baba Yaga's Hut

My friend, +Stew Perkins, is an awesome terrain crafter (among other things). I asked him to make Baba Yaga's hut for me and the final product blew me away.  

Thursday, March 9, 2017

New Guardian - Kid Nephil

Now that I've talked about Guardians, I thought I'd stat out some characters. I'm going to start with a 1st level rookie , Kid Nephil (formerly Kid Nephilim, before I thought about how silly that his name was plural).

KID NEPHIL (Ryan Avery)
Supernatural Bruiser (1st level)
Str 13 (1) Int 10 (0) Wis 14 (1) Dex 16 (2) Con 13 (1) Cha 15 (1)
Gifts: Leader, Occultist
Powers: Flight, Healing, Regeneration, Super Striker (Smiter)
Features: 1d6 unarmed damage,  Unstoppable, Combat Specialty: Acrobatic
Limits: Empathic Healing, Vulnerable to Heat
Issues: Enemy (Neros the fallen archangel)
Gadgets: None
Equipment: Backpack, Cellphone, Handcuffs, Leather Jacket, Smiter (+2 to hit, 2d6+2 damage)
HP: 24 EP: 8 ST: 13 AC 14
Languages: English, Profession: Student

New Limit: 

Empathic: This (luckily) rare limit typically only applies to the healing power. When the character uses this power, they effectively take the wounds and injuries they are healing into themselves. They take a point of damage for every HP they heal.
Ryan Avery is a third generation hero. His grandfather is the archangel, Avarialus, who was notably active on Earth during the 1860's and 70's. His father is the deceased vigilante, The Wandering Nephil, and his mother is the retired (and reformed) villainess, Ms. Direction. He's a young hero and has only recently recieved his mother's blessing to take up the family business. Calling himself Kid Nephil, he dispenses justice and mercy with the help of his father's blade, nicknamed Smiter, and healing abilities.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017


Guardians has a great premise.

"What if the original roleplaying game was inspired by colorful superheroes rather than Tolkenesque fantasy?"

Like the other games at Original Edition, Guardians builds off a rules set that most of us love and know.

Instead of a race, you pick an origin, which are broad categories that let you know how many starting powers, gifts (exceptional advantages), limits (weaknesses/disadvantages associated with powers), and issues (universal drawbacks anyone can have) you have. Remember, this is based on original edition so there are classes that go from 1-10. Characters are supers though, so they have more starting hit points and abilities than other characters with similar levels. The four classes are bruiser, super-agent, power wielder, and gadgeteer. There's a large selection of powers to choose from and when combined with the classes allow you to make a wide variety of character types.

I've not played Guardians yet. I just bought it Thursday evening, so I've not had the opportunity. Still I'm really excited to give it a test drive. Because of the base game it's built on, it's so super easy to pull from all of those classic games we know and love. The book is currently on sale at Drivethru RPG, you can purchase it here. Anyone else played it? If so, what did you think?