Friday, October 6, 2017

October Horror Movie Challenge - Slaughterhouse (1987)

Synopsis: When his mentally impaired son, Buddy, kills some teenagers scaring his pigs, slaughterhouse owner, Lester Bacon, comes up with a plan to solve his financial woes.

The Good: This movie has a great sense of humor and style to it. It's one of the better 80's black comedy slasher movies I've seen. The set pieces are creepy and the cast are likable enough. While he may not have a tragic background or supernatural powers, Buddy is a memorable slasher.

The Bad: I really liked this flick and don't have many complaints. One issue I do have, however, is the Chekhov's gun about Lester having another son. It's mentioned he past, but just the way it was presented I assume that was going to come back to play in the story. 

Final Thoughts: This is a fun slasher with a thoroughly 80's feel. I really liked the opening scene, but if you're a vegetarian or vegan  you might want to skip it.

In Your Game: 
New Slasher

Buddy Bacon

AC 9 [10]      HD: 4    Attacks: butcher axe (2d6)  Move: 12 Special: speaks pig
Weakness: Buddy isn't the brightest and is pretty easy to outsmart.

New Equipment

Butcher Axe, melee weapon, requires 15+ strength to use with no penalty, otherwise wielder takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls.

New To Me Movies Watched: 12
Total Movies Watched: 15

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