Tuesday, October 2, 2018

October Horror Movie Challenge - The Ruins (2008)

Synopsis: Two young American tourist couples and their new German friend get more than they bargained for when they find themselves trapped in a remote ancient Mayan ruin.

The Good: I like the cast and the acting is pretty good, even if some of the characters are sort of one dimensional. The gore is brutal and includes amputation. The set pieces are absolutely gorgeous. 

The Bad: For all that it has going for it, the movie is really dull at times. 

Final Thoughts: This film got mediocre reviews and I can understand why. It many ways it's just another "young folks get drunk, have sex, and get killed in bloody ways" flick. That being said, there's some good stuff here, especially if you're a gamer.  

In Your Game: 

New Hazard - Carnivorous Vines

These plants are thankfully only found in extremely remote locations. They seem to be intelligent and can mimic sounds. They can also parasitically infect others. This is treated as an attack with a +4 bonus. It deals 1d4-1 damage, but the character must make a successful critical save or be implanted with vines. Those infested will die within 5 days. The only way to stop this is to cut the vines out which requires first aid. If the result is 20 or higher the patient only receives 1d4 damage. If the result is 15-19 they take 1d6+1 damage, and if the result is 10-14 they take 2d6 damage. If the check is lower than that they still take 2d6 damage, but the vines aren't removed. They vines can also grapple creatures. This is treated as an attack with a +4 bonus to hit. The target must make a DC 15 strength check or be immobilized and unable to move. On their turn they can make another strength check to try to escape the grapple.

New To Me Movies Watched: 4
Total Movies Watched: 4

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