Sunday, July 26, 2020

Friday, July 24, 2020

You Got A Job On The Garbage Barge

You Got A Job On The Garbage Barge is a really strange, but entertaining zine by Amanda Franck. Most of the art was done by Scrap Princess (which is always a great thing) and Amanda did most of the rest.

The zine is a setting sourcebook, with adventures and character options. It has a fantasy feel to it, but also post apocalyptic vibes given the technology associated. There are computers and concrete with rebar, but also talking animals, tatzelwurms, and copper masked wizards. The mashup makes it perfect for a game featuring barbarians on a cursed Earth. I'm contemplating adding it to a game I'm going to run in either the Forgotten Realms, Eberron, or Critical Role's Exandria. Honestly, it could easily fit into any of those settings with a little cross dimensional magic. That being said, you don't have to place the barge in any particular world. Make it the focus and add to it as you like.

The rules of the zine are presented for D&D or a derivative of it. There are many really cool random tables, the foundation of any good old school book. The actual stats provided are very basic and I would say the rules are OSR, with one exception. There is a really interesting new Bard College subclass for 5e. the Scent Skald manipulates scents in the way that most bards use sound. It's a really unique idea and I love it.

I backed this project on Kickstarter because it sounded unique. It really is and I appreciate the work that Amanda and her contributors put into it. You aren't going to find many zines like this one. If you want something special, You Got A Job One The Garbage Barge is for you.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

The Toxic Protector

This is my first attempt to create a character archetype in the vein of the others for Limitless Adventures Carbide City. If i get the hang of it I might start creating more of this content to release. It will be different and my own, though still close enough to use with their products. This one is obviously based on a certain hero from Tromaville.

Toxic Protector  
Medium Humanoid (any), Any Alignment
Armor Class: 13 (Dexterity)
Hit Points: 100
Speed: 30 ft.
Challenge: 5 (1,800 XP)
18 (+4) 16 (+3) 20 (+5) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 7 (-2)
Saving Throw: Con +8, Str +7
Skills: Athletics (+7), Intimidation (+7)
Damage Resistances: Bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
Damage Immunity: Poison
Condition Immunity: Poisoned
Senses: passive Perception 10
Languages: any one

Toxic Sense: By concentrating for 1 minute, the toxic protector gains use of the Detect Evil & Good spell.
Toxic Strength: The toxic protector can carry/lift twice the weight of a normal creature of its size. They can also wield heavy weapons with one hand.
Toxic Waste: The biological waste products of the toxic protector are acidic and deal 3(1d6) acid damage on contact.
Ugly As Sin: The toxic protector can use their strength for Intimidation rolls instead of charisma.

Multiattack Make two slam attacks
Slam Melee Weapon Attack +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., (one target) Hit 13 (2d8+4) bludgeoning damage

Creating a Toxic Protector
Step One: Toxic Source -What noxious chemical led to your transformation? Was your creation an accident or intentional?  
Step Two - Origin: What were you before you took a toxic bath? Choose a combination of any two skills, tools, and/or languages that fit your origin story.
Step Three - Appearance: Describe your noxious hero in gloriously gruesome detail.
Step Four - Persona: What do you do when you aren’t battling evil? What's your name? What’s your code name? 

Advancement (Selected after the completion of a significant milestone.)
Beloved*: Your public opinion increases by 2 points
Bruiser: You can choose to reroll 1’s on your Slam damage rolls.
Hardened: Gain 25 hit points, not to exceed 125 total.
Luck: Once per day you can reroll any one die roll.
Skilled: You gain proficiency in any one skill, language, tool or weapon.
Surefooted: You treat difficult terrain and regular terrain for the purposes of movement.
Thick Skin*: Your natural armor class increases by 1.
Tough*: You gain 5 permanent hit points.

*This reward can be chosen more than once. 

DC Primal Age! Trailer

 DC Primal Age is a classic Masters of the Universe style line of DC action figures by Funko. The figures have a fun retro look and have been out for a year or two. While messing around on Youtube, I found this faux cartoon intro Funko made to promote the figures and felt I needed to share it.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Music Monday - Seven Nation Army (Viking Edition)

Skald is a Norse themed French musical group that have done a really interesting cover of Seven Nation Army. Check it out.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Gangbusters B/X Edition

Gangbusters B/X is a roaring 20's tabletop game that uses the classic B/X D&D rules we love. This makes the game extremely accessible to OSR. The book is 64 pages and uses public domain art (which fits the setting). You can use it as written and play as reporters, criminals, private investigators, and coppers or you can use other B/X goodies and make the game more fantastic.

The classes are broad, but fit the genre well. You can be Brutish, Connected, Educated, or Street Smart. The alignments fit the system too: Law Abiding, Neutrality, and Dishonest. Since everyone in Gangbusters is human you don't pick races. Instead you pic a Type (such as Hoodlum or Immigrant) will will affect how others see you. The game has standard equipment charts and things. Like classic OSR weapons can do a flat damage rate or they can have varied damage based on type.

There are some great descriptions and rules on how to make the game feel authentic. There are discussions of the era, rules for crime, law enforcement, and starting your on gang. There are also details on investigation and the legal system (which characters will definitely be dealing with). I'm a pretty big fan of the court and bribing rules. A short discussion of designing settings is provided as well as rules for building adventures and rewarding players. I like that there are essentially magic items that are disguised as special equipment, such as "whiskey for medicinal purposes" that heals you 3 HP when you take a shot. There are simple, but effective vehicle rules.

I'm a really big fan of the adversary section. There are 26 allies and foes in this section, including Klansmen which have "slow-witted." I appreciate any excuse to kills racists in games, so my props to Mark for adding them. Combat is a bit more detailed than what you'll find in typical B/X with some cool optional rules, but really like what's here. My favorite additions are hurt bad which means your character doesn't immediately die at 0 HP. My favorite optional rule is "Shot in the Arm." Once per adventure characters can reduce the damage of an attack to take a wound to the arm that gives them some negative status until the rest and heal. This is a great way to emulate those awesome actions scenes in movies like Last Man Standing.

The books ends with a page discussing Mysterious Powers. This is perfect if you want to play something like the Shadow.
I really enjoyed reading the book and hope to get into some pulp action sooner, rather than later. You can get your copy here.

Friday, July 17, 2020

The Green Knight

I'm a sucker for a good Arthurian flick, especially one that focuses on my favorite knight, Sir Gawain. The Green Knight is an upcoming A24 film that takes that legendary hero and puts him in an atmospheric horror flick.Check out the gorgeous trailer.

While the release date (and method) of the film is in question because of the current global bastard, A24 has created a cool project to go along with it. Releasing early next month, The Green Knight: A Fantasy Roleplaying Game is a new retro-looking tabletop rpg set in the world of the film. The game comes with a rulebook and adventure based on the film, a d20, map of the setting, and pre-made characters. There is also mention of A24 Bonus Quests, which I hope are Easter Eggs based on other A24 films. If you want to check out an interview with the game's creator, read this article on Gizmodo, You also need to watch this retro advertisement for the game,

You can preorder The Green Knight: A Fantasy Adventure Roleplaying Game here. I've done so and promise to give everyone a review once I get my copy.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Scents & Sensibilities

Scents & Sensibilities was a special release to celebrate Frog God Games Game Day 2020. Funded through Indiegogo, this is a short release unlike anything else. The books is divided into three parts

The first part is Scents & Sensibilities. A Whovian cat-like merchant comes to the heroes and asks them to retrieve ingredients for his perfumes and colognes. These ingredients are mephetic creatures known as stank hogs. A group of these is wreaking havoc on a farm and the party can deal with them in a variety of manners. The adventure is relatively short and only 4.5 pages.

This is followed by three pages from Swyte's Physiologus. This is an in game biological description of the stank hog. It includes some game mechanics.

The final part of the books includes three stats blocks spread across three pages. The first is for the Yshkat, the aforementioned Whovian. We are also given stats for stank hogs and stank piglets.

This is a fun release. I definitely want to use it. I do think it's pricey though. You get 11 pages of gaming material for a cover price of 19.99. This is half the size of other Frog Indiegogo releases but the same price.

Monday, July 13, 2020


Are you a friend of Drizzt and his stories? If you are you should check out Dragon+ Issue 32, which features official 5e stats for his father Zaknafein.

Champions of VCW - The Revolting Blob

Here's more goofiness for your Vigilante City Wrestling needs (and more practice for my supplement).

The Revolting Blog appeared in Billy Madison. A horrific heel in his days, he's hit the elderly with chairs, and sit on folks until they passed out. Unfortunately this finisher killed a man and the Blob hung up his tights.

The Revolting Blob
Armor Class:11
Hit Dice: 3+2
Move: 12
Attack Damage: Unarmed (1d4+1)
Special: No Sell: Once per combat the blob can make a Constitution check DC 5+the amount of damage he's taken. If this check is successful he takes no damage from the attack.
Bonuses: +2 to Melee Attacks, +2 to Constitution checks
Grab: +2 (13)
Morale: 6
Terror: -
HDE: 4
Equipment: ring gear

The Blobinator - The Blob makes a grab attack against a prone opponent. The opponent has disadvantage on rolls to resist. While grabbed the opponent is considered to be drowning (PG page 267).

Friday, July 10, 2020

Powerbomb (2020)


Matt Cross is an extremely talented wrestler with an uncertain future. While fame and stardom appear on the horizon, years of struggling leave him on the verge of leaving it all behind to spend more time with his family. Things take a dark turn when he is kidnapped by his "biggest fan" who hopes to help his hero grow.


I really liked this movie and I want to say that first. However, the cover is extremely misleading. It makes the film out to be a wrestling slasher flick and Powerbomb is not that. The movie is a family/career drama with thriller elements. That's honestly my big issue with this movie.

Now that I've got that out of the way, let me talk about what this movie has going for it. It's stars one of my favorites, MDogg Matt Cross, as a fictional version of himself. Cross is an indie wrestler from Ohio that's wrestled for many promotions and in many countries. Unsurprisingly, he does a great job of playing himself. He's charismatic and has amazing athletic ability.

Roni Jonah and Cash Allen do a great job as Matt's fictional family and their drama arcs are just as engaging as his captivity. AEW star, Brit Baker, also does a great job as a wrestler turned babysitter supporting character.

This movie isn't going to win any major awards, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't check it out. It's a great story about obsession, family, and dreams.

As a side note, because of the global pandemic, Matt hasn't been able to wrestle. If you'd like to support him, you should check out his site, Wrestling Is Forever.

Gaming Material

I've mainly been statting out wrestlers as NPC's, but I thought I'd stat Matt as a PC so you can see how the existing Vigilante City rules work with wrestling.

Name: MDogg Matt Cross
Alignment: Law
Class: Athlete 
Level: 6

Str: 16 (+2)
Int: 12 (+0)
Wis: 12 (+0)
Dex: 18 (+3)
Con: 15 (+1)
Cha: 13 (+1)
Sur: 13

Courage: 16
Critical: 15
Death: 12
Magic: 10
Mental: 12
Poison: 10

Languages: English
AC: 16 (Dex, Wrestling)
HP: 42
Toughness: +2
Move: 13/23 when charging (can run X4)

Initiate: +4

Unarmed Attack
+8 to Melee attacks, d4+3 damage

Basic Athletics 6 (+14)
Combat Training 1
First Aid 2 (+2)
Fighting: Wrestling
Intimidation 1 (+3/+2)
Parkour 1 (+4)
Persuasion 1 (+2)
Street Smart 1 (+1)
Subterfuge 1 (+1)

Special Traits
+2 to Grab
+1 to damage with thrown weapons
+2 to Terror checks
Seize the Moment: 1
1 extra action

Equipment: Ring Gear

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Champions of the Electrocube War Volume 3

Fainting Goat Games has released a third volume of Champions of the Electrocube War. Mike has shared the latest volume with me. You can read my reviews for Volume One and Volume Two.

Here's what you're going to find in this volume:

  • Swarm (Class) - This unorthadox class is actually made up of 20+ identical smaller robots, it has some very interesting tactics and defenses
  • Fusillade (VK) - an aged hero and unshakable warrior, he has become enamored with the pop culture concept of the American Cowboy
  • Beta-Decem (VK) - the this fearless mini-bot serves the Valor Knights a spy
  • Manticore (CL) - this selfish engineer and warrior is a bitter rival of Sextus-Null (described in the last volume)
  • Voracicon (CL) - These low level warriors are Manticore's primary forces
  • Voracicon Swarm (CL) - Voracion's can come together to create a devastating swarm

This is another spectacular addition to the Valor Knights game. Fainting Goat Games has knocked it out of the park again. You can grab the pdf here.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Champions of VCW - Brooklyn Brawler

I've always loved the Brooklyn Brawler. Not sure why, just something about him that I appreciate. That's why he's my next Champions of Vigilante City Wrestling write-up. If you aren't familiar with him, check out this interesting Rolling Stone article.

Brooklyn Brawler
Armor Class:11
Hit Dice: 3
Move: 12
Attack Damage: Unarmed (1d4+1)
Special: A natural 20 attack roll against the Brawler immediately KO's him
Bonuses: +1 to Melee Attacks
Grab: +2 (13)
Morale: 7
Terror: -
HDE: 3
Equipment: ring gear, cigar

Monday, July 6, 2020

Wrestle Massacre (2020)

Recently released Wrestle Massacre is a wrestling themed indie horror slasher. Being back on my wrestling bullshit and loving horror, I decided to pick it up.


Wrestle Maniac follows the unfortunate life of awkward groundskeeper, Randy. The sweet, but inept, man is treated like shit by most folks in his life and just dreams of becoming a wrestler, like his father. After a disastrous humiliation at a wrestling school and being berated by his father, Randy Snaps and because a wrestling killer.


I' m just going to go out there and say it, even by bad movie standards, this isn't a good movie. The acting is stale, the criminal subplot is stupid, and a lot of the humor is juvenile and low hanging and edgy. The treatment of women is dodgy at best. The ending also through me for a loop.

That being said, there is some good in this, if you're a wrestling fan. The star, Richie "Cuban Assassin" Acevedo is really good in the role of Randy. He makes him likable before he snaps. After Randy snaps, he also does an amazing job channeling super stars of the past while giving some excellent practical effect kills. Randy's kill scenes are definitely the best part of the movie. It's unfortunate that other than the opening, it takes nearly an hour to get to the point he goes on his rampage.

For wrestling fan, the movie has quick cameos by the Sandman, Tony Atlas, and Manny Fernandez. It also has slightly larger roles from Nikolai Volkoff and Jimmy Valiant. In addition, Renee Dupree has an important role (and an unfortunately awkward sex scene).

If you are a wrestling fan and want to watch a wrestling themed horror flick, you might enjoy this one. I'm glad I added it to my collection, but I don't see myself watching the full movie again. I'll just skip to the carnage.

Gaming Material

Wrestle Massacre Belt

This horrendous belt is crafted from the flesh of Randy's victims. It is preserved by the magic of his demonic patron. Like other championship belts this belt deals 1d6-1 damage and provides a +1 bonus to AC while worn. In addition, anyone wearing it gains a Terror score of 10.
Sorry about the crappy photo quality but I couldn't find a pic of
this online so I had to take a pic with my phone.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Champions of VCW - Jimmy King

Once again, I'm playing around with wrestling based content for Vigilante City. I still want to release a wrestling supplement for the game. To get some practice, I'm going to stat some fictional wrestlers (which sounds silly because all wrestlers are part fiction). 

I'm going to start with Oliver Platt's champion from 2000's Ready to Rumble. I will admit that despite my love of wrestling, I watched this film for the first time last week. It's not a good movie and honestly it makes fun of the people that would actually like it (wrestling fans). It was cheesy as Hell, had too much literal potty humor, and too many homophobic jokes. All of that being said, I still liked the movie. It was a nice time capsule of wrestling when I was really growing into a fan. It's not aged well, but it gave me a nostalgic smile.

Jimmy "the King" King
Armor Class: 12/13 (when wearing title)
Hit Dice: 4
Move: 12
Attack Damage: Unarmed (1d4+1) or Scepter (1d6+2) or WCW Championship Title (1d6)
Special: Outsmart +1 (1/day), Allies gain +1 to Melee Attacks while in 30' of King
Bonuses: +2 to Melee Attacks, + 3 to Climb checks
Grab: +4 (14)
Morale: 5
Terror: -
HDE: 4
Equipment: Crown, WCW Championship Title, Ring Gear, King's Scepter

Grab is a new addition to the stat blocks for wrestling related characters. The first number is the character's modifier if they are attempting to grab. The second number is the DC for someone trying to resist the character's grab.

Succubus Sunday - Jenny

Jenny is a succubus from Earth 616 and cousin to Deadpool’s ex-wife. You can learn more about her here.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

God(zilla) is Love

This is an adorable video and shows that Godzilla is a good parent. The video was recently shared by the official Toho Godzilla Twitter account.