Tuesday, May 9, 2023


You probably know the deal by now. Roboworld is another video game tribute monster book from Bloat Games. It's available in System Neutral, SURVIVE THIS!!, 5e, and DCC. The system neutral stats are easy to decipher, though unlike previous books this does have the page describing how to interpret. The other versions contain concise stat blocks. Once again Lukasz Piwinski does a great job with the art. Each piece is a great tribute to the Mega Man robots. 

The book contains 26 new robotic and android foes. If I counted correctly there are 16 robots that I would consider mooks and minions (though that doesn't mean they are pushovers). Additionally their are 10 unique robots and androids (including several robot masters). Like previous books in the series these are stand-ins for existing robot foes from Mega Man. I have to say of them my favorites are Slowmo and Treetor. Slowmo is an expy of Flash Man. Like that robot master he can freeze time. His description mentions he likes to take selfies when he does this and I'm wondering if this is a reference to a camera flash. Treetor is a tribute to Wood Man, one of my favorite robot masters. His ability, Leaf Shield, is awesome and ridiculous.

While there isn't a setting book for Roboworld. There are bits of info you can glean from the descriptors. There are two great scientists Dr. Luminous and Dr. Y. Lee. Dr. Y. Lee is mentioned much more, since he's the villain. While brilliant himself, he seems to modify and reprogram the creations of others more than make new robots.

Like Space Station M, this monster book might not fit perfectly into every game. However there are several I think it would be great for. And again, like Space Station M the SURVIVE THIS version is perfect for SURVIVE THIS!! The Blackest Space.  I would definitely include it in my Vigilante City games. The DCC version is a great add-on for Gunzo! Operation: Bughunt. Also because of the Appendix N nature of DCC, you could very easily add any of these robots to your game. The 5e version would be a great addition to any 5e supers game and in particular would add some nice foes to Carbide City #1 and Carbide City #2.  

If you didn't back the Kickstarter and want copies, make sure to pre-order from the Bloat Games store asap.

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