Tuesday, October 31, 2023

October Horror Challenge - Terrifier 2 (2022)

I already talked about the original Terrifier earlier in the month, so I figured Terrifier 2 would be the perfect "All Hallows Eve" movie. 

The Miles County Killer returns and his connection to Sienna Shaw and her brother Jonathan will tear their family and community apart... literally.

It's the end of the month and I'm getting lazy. If you want to read an extended review of the film, check out this one I did last year. I rewatched the flick earlier this evening. While I didn't have the initial shock I did with the first viewing, I still had several wtf reactions during it. If you can stomach the chaos, its a gory and disgusting good time. 

The poster for Terrifier 3 has been linked and it's not going to be a Halloween flick... it's going to be a Christmas one!

In Your Game 
These stats are repeated from the ones I posted earlier in the month (though I did add the Evil Reborn trait).
Art the Clown (Outsider)
Armor Class: 12
Hit Dice: 36 (6 HD)
Move: 12
Actions: 2
Attack: By Weapon
Special: FearlessMaster of Pain, Regeneration (2 HP a round), Total Sadist, Toughness +2, Evil Reborn (will always come back)
Bonuses: +4 to Attack rolls, +2 to damage, +5 to Stealth
Alignment: Evil
Morale: 8
Madness: N/A
Terror: 15
HDE: 4

Master of Pain: Art can choose to make a devastatingly painful attack. If the attack hits it only deals 1 hit point of damage. However, the victim suffers Disadvantage on all skill checks and physical attacks for 1d4 rounds.
Total Sadist: Once Art begins to brutalize a target, he has a problem stopping until they are utterly tormented and dying. He must 

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