Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everyone! I don't have any new game content with this post, but I thought I'd share some of my favorite horror shorts.

Chilling Adventures of Sabrina

In honor of Netflix's new series, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Tim Branan and I have decided to both present you fine folks with game statistics for the titular character. My stats are for SURVIVE THIS!! Dark Places & Demogorgons. You will need the Player Option & GM Guide to fully use these. This is Sabrina as of the beginning of the series. Once I finish, I'll post stats for Sabrina at the end of season 1. 

After you've finished here, make sure to go over to The Other Side Blog and check out Tim's Swords & Wizardry White Box stats for Sabrina! Also, stop by HeroPress and check out Tim Knight’s insightful post about the first season and awesome things airineg on Netflix. Update: Josh Becklehimer has posted Sabrina stats here for  Six-Shooters & Wagons.

Sabrina Spellman
Class/Level: Black Witch 2
Alignment: Neutral

Str: 10
Int: 15 (+1)
Wis: 12 
Dex: 12 
Con: 13 (+1) 
Cha: 17 (+2)
Sur: 12

Courage: 12
Critical: 11
Death:  10
Mental: 12
Poison: 11

Languages: English, Latin

AC: 11 
HP: 16
Move: 12

Attack Bonus:
Dagger +0, 1d6-1

Art & Music 1 (+2)
Botany 1 (+2)
Investigation 1 (+2)
Knowledge General 1 (+2)
Knowledge: Magic 2 (+6)
Paranormal 2 (+3)
Persuasion 1 (+3)

+2  to all saves vs. Magic
+2 to Courage saves
Prestidigitation (can do minor magic trick at will)
Create Darkness (up to 60' radius centered on her)
Familiar (Salem)
Toughness +1 (Magic)

Glammered Appearance

library card, spell book, charms, magical charm (regenerate survival points at double normal rate)

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Wouldst Thou Like To Roll Dice Deliciously?

While he appears as a normal (albeit slightly peculiar) black goat, Black Phillip is actually a powerful demon... perhaps even Satan himself. He wanders the mortal realm sowing chaos and tempting mortals. He is a clever old goat and seeks out mortal women to sign their names' in his book, exchanging their souls for power.

Black Phillip 
Armor Class: 15             Attack Damage: Ram, 2d6
Hit Dice: 9                       Special: Damage Resistance, Human Form, Black Magic, Book of Names
Move:12                           Bonus: +6 to Hit
Attack: 1 per round          Terror: 14 HDE:   10

Black Phillip is immune to all damage caused by most mortal weaponry. Only magic (arcane or holy) and certain weapons (those enchanted or made of silvered, cold iron, and meteoric iron). In addition to his goat form, he can transform into a handsome gentleman. He can cast spells and has an effective pool of 10 "Constitution" points he can draw upon to cast them. The points replenish the following midnight. He can cast any DARK spell. He can grant power to any magic user that rights their name in his book. They will immediately gain one level. However, their alignment will shift one step closer to evil (good characters become neutral, neutral become evil). The character's class changes to Black Witch and they lose all previous class abilities and gain the abilities of a black witch of their new level. His Terror score only takes effect when his true nature is revealed. 

Monday, October 29, 2018

Music Monday - God of the Thunder

Here's some Thor music of a different variety.

I could see Erik Thorson jamming out to this. Also, here are some stats for the Berserkers from Thor: Ragnarok to add to your Vigilante City game. Personally, I'd probably refer to the as Draugr in my games.

Armor Class: 14             Attack Damage: By Weapon
Hit Dice: 3                       Special: Piercing Damage Resistance 
Move:12                           Bonus: +2 to Hit, +2 to Toughness, +2 to Damage
Attack: 1 per round          HDE:   4

These undead Asgardians take half damage from weapons that pierce, such as arrows and spears.

Music Monday - I Am Thor (2015)

Synopsis: This documentary follows the background and origins of singer/body builder Thor, his rise to fame, his fall, and his subsequent work at a career comeback. 

The Good: The documentary is really entertaining. It has some cool archive footage. If you want a larger than life underdog story, this is a great one. It paints Thor as a really cool dude.

The Bad: Like most documentaries, this one is definitely not impartial. That always makes me doubt the validity of things said. 

Final Thoughts: I'm going to be honest, before seeing the previews for this on my Deathgasm blu-ray, I only very vaguely remembered Thor. The trailer looked interesting though and I wanted to check it out. At this point, I don't think his music is great, but I appreciate the showmanship and it's fun stuff. 

In Your Game:
Jon Mikl Thor is going to be a part of my Vigilante City setting. He still going to be more indie, but I think he's definitely got a cult following with the rise of vigilantes and mega-humans. I think Erik Thorson will have an interesting relationship with him. I kicked around with a few ideas about what class he'd be, but since he sees himself as a performer before other things, I created him using the Performer class from Player Options & GM Guide

Jon Mikl Thor
Class/Level: Performer 5

Str: 18 (+3)
Int: 10 
Wis: 11
Dex: 8 (-1) 
Con: 14 (+1) 
Cha: 17 (+2)
Sur: 11

Courage: 13
Critical: 15
Death:  17
Mental: 12
Magic: 13 (only needed for Vigilante City)
Poison: 17

Languages: English

AC: 11 (Leather Coat, Dexterity)
HP: 35
Move: 12

Attack Bonus:
Warhammer +4, 1d6+4 damage

Skills: 12
Art & Music 2 (+9/+10 if performing)
Athletics: Basic  2 (+5/+1)
Combat Training 3
Fighting: Wrestling 1
Intimidation 2 (+4)

Toughness +2 (leather coat, Fighting: Wrestling 1)
+2 to Grab attacks
Golden Aura: all friendly characters within 60' get +3 to AC and Saving Throws, if attacked attacker must make a mental saving throw (adding +2 to their roll) or attack another target if possible
Showstopper: Make a DC 15 Art & Music, Dancing, or Theater check to give all allies within 60' +1 to AC, +1d6 HP, +1 to hit, +1 on skill checks, and +1 to saving throws for 1 hour (does not stack with repeated uses)

Equipment: stage costume, warhammer

Saturday, October 27, 2018

David S. Pumpkins Is His Own Thing

David S. Pumpkins
Armor Class: 18              Attack Damage: By Weapon
Hit Dice: 8                        Special: His Own Thing
Move: 12                          Bonus: +5 to Hit, +5 to Toughness
Attack: 1 per round          Terror: 15 HDE:   8

Because he is his own thing, David S. Pumpkins, essentially has whatever abilities the GM desires. 

B-Boy Skeleton
Armor Class: 12              Attack Damage: By Weapon
Hit Dice: 4                        Special: Dance
Move: 12                          Bonus: +1 to Hit, +2 to Toughness
Attack: 1 per round          HDE:   4

The B-Boy Skeletons get a +4 bonus on all dance action rolls.Those witnessing them dance must make a successful saving throw or either stare in confusion or dance along.

Friday, October 26, 2018

Scorpion's Family Fitness Dojo

I thought this video was really funny and I wanted to share. 

I didn't want to just share a silly video though, so here are Vigilante City stats for Scorpion (who can be a villain or a mentor, as seen in the video game series).

Scorpion (Hanzo Hasashi)
Armor Class: 15                      Attack Damage: By Weapon
Hit Dice:                                Special: Stealth, Kunai, Teleportation, Fire Breathing
Move: 12                                   Bonus: +4 to Hit, +1 to Toughness, +3 to Damage
Attack: 3 Per Round                 HDE: 10

As a master of the Shirai Ryu, Scorpion gains +3 on any action check relating to silence and shadow. Scorpion can throw his kunai (1d6-1 damage) and pull a target to him. If the target makes a DC 15 Strength check they are not pulled. 

Scorpion has two supernatural abilities, as well. He can teleport up to 30 feet on his turn (which doesn't take his action). Also, instead of attacking he can remove his mask and breath a gout of flame 10' which does 1d6+2 fire damage. When he uses one of these supernatural abilities, he can not use either until 1d6 rounds have passed.

Sin City Psycho

This is just weird, but I wanted to share. 

And why not give stats for a new villain for your Vigilante City characters to take down. 

Armor Class: 11                                           Attack Damage: By Weapon
Hit Dice: 4                                                     Special: Mad
Move: 12                                                       Bonuses: +3 to Hit, +2 Damage  
Attacks: 1 per Round                                    HDE: 3

The Sin City Psycho's madness renders him immune to mind reading and mind control. 

Thursday, October 25, 2018

October Horror Movie Challenge - The Lure (2015)

Synopsis: Two mermaid sisters come to land, join a band, and become performers. All is well until one falls in love for a member of the band.

The Good: This is is a really good musical, even if I don't understand Polish. The songs are catchy and the performers do a great job. The movie also has a nice trippy vibe to it. Also the movie is set in the 80's and they capture the decade well. 

The Bad: Even though I liked the songs, it's rough watching a musical that's in a language you don't speak. 

Final Thoughts: This was one of the more interesting films I watched. It was good, but strange.

In Your Game:
I've created a new class for Dark Places & Demogorgons. I think after the challenge is over, I'll expand it to 10 class levels and to make it compatible with Vigilante City.


You are from the sea, a true daughter or son of the ancient gods of the oceans. Something calls you to the land. Whether due to curiosity or the call of another siren, you find yourself walking among mortals.


LEVEL 1: Being of the sea gods, you can breathe both air and water. Your natural form is half fish/half human. Mermen have horns, though some can hide them beneath their hair. When water touches the lower half of your body it transforms its natural piscine state. While in the piscine state you have a swim speed of 18. You also have advantage on all Basic Athletic checks while in the water. You have a bite attack that does 1d6-1 points of damage and prefer raw meat to other forms of food.  You can communicate with aquatic animals. You only start with the following skills: Art & Music (Singing), Basic Athletics, and Persuasion or Intimidation. You gain no additional skill points at first level. 

In addition you have the mer curse. If you fall in love with a human and your love marries another you will turn into sea foam, unless you devour your love before the first dawn after the marriage takes place.

LEVEL 2: You gain advantage on all Art & Music checks involving singing. While in your natural form you gain a claw attack dealing 1d6 damage.
 You can use the siren's call. All humans who hear it must make a Mental saving throw of find themselves enamored with you. This grants you advantage on all Persuasion and Intimidation checks against them. This advantage lasts for 1d6 minutes after you stop singing (unless you attack them). You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1).
LEVEL 4: +1 to Charisma. Your siren's call can be used on aquatic creatures (including supernatural ones), in addition to mortals. 
LEVEL 5: Those affected by your siren's call have disadvantage on all attack rolls while you sing.
LEVEL 6: +2 to Charisma. 
LEVEL 7: Your siren's call now affects all supernatural creatures.


"I see a ship in the harbor. I can and shall obey, but if it wasn't for your misfortune I'd be a heavenly person today."
New Order - Blue Monday

New To Me Movies: 31
Total Movies Watched: 51

October Horror Movie Challenge - Hereditary (2018)

Synopsis: When the matriarch of the Graham family dies her family begins to unravel disturbing secrets about their lineage.

The Good: This is a smart horror film that doesn't rely on jump scares and gore to get your attention. The characters are really fleshed out. They seem like real people. There is some interesting thoughts about mental illness and things addressed in the film.

The Bad: This one is a slow burn. It took me a bit to get into. The third act is great. Ultimately I didn't like the ending though. Maybe if I go back and watch it will make more sense, but it just seemed really bizarre and then abruptly ends.

Final Thoughts: Despite my misgivings I thought this was a really good movie and it's worth watching.

In Your Game: 

There wasn't a whole lot of game-able material here, but I came up with something.

Coven Member
Armor Class: 12              Attack Damage: By Weapon
Hit Dice: 2                       Special: Demonic Ties
Move:12                           Bonus: +2 to Hit, +2 to Damage
Attack: 1 per round          HDE:   2

Because of their devotion to a demonic lord, coven members have the ability to influence certain bloodlines tied to the demonic lords and ladies. They gain advantage on all persuasion and intimidation rolls against members of the bloodline associated with their lord and members of the bloodline must make successful mental saving throws to attack them.

New To Me Movies: 30
Total Movies Watched: 50

October Horror Movie Challenge - Come Out And Play (2012)

Synopsis: Two american tourists go on a vacation to a remote Mexican island. Soon they begin to suspect something sinister and as they find many children and no adults.

The Good: This movie is really creepy. The empty street shots are quite ominous. The score is fantastic as well.

The Bad: This is a messed up flick. There is horrific violence being done by and to children. While it's not extremely gory, it's still disturbing to watch.  Also, it's never explained what caused the children to turn or why they are able to affect others. Going to be honest, that kind of bugged me.

Final Thoughts: This is a Mexican remake of a 1976 Spanish horror film Who Can Kill A Child. I've been wanting to watch that film for ages, but haven't been able to get a hold of a copy.

In Your Game: This is a variation of the stats I did for Children of the Corn.

Hijos De Los Condenados
Armor Class: 12              Attack Damage: By Weapon
Hit Dice: 1/2                     Special: Who Can Kill A Child?
Move:12                           Bonus: +1 to Hit
Attack: 1 per round          HDE:   1

These possessed children can turn others into murderous children simply by touching them. These even works if they touch the stomach of a pregnant woman, though the transferal process takes 3 rounds. Any non-Chaotic adult attempting to attack one of the Hijos De Los Condenados has a 50% chance of being unable to do so that round. Parents are unable to harm their own children and are at disadvantage on on deception checks against them.   

New To Me Movies: 29
Total Movies Watched: 49

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Never Going Home

I wanted to let everyone know about a cool looking Kickstarter that Wet Ink Games is launching next week. Never Going Home is a military horror rpg based on the art from World War Occult by Charles Ferguson-Avery. During World War I both sides scrambled to gain the upper hold on the others and someone cracked the borders between reality, letting Cthulhu-esque creatures into our world. Characters will dive into the trenches of WWI to take on eldritch horrors.

I spoke with the author and he let me a know about the game's features:

  • character creation takes about 5 minutes
  • simple dice mechanics are used for skill resolution (up to 5d6 at a time)
  • narrative storytelling guided by a standard deck of playing cards

I think this looks and sounds phenomenal. I can't wait to grab my gas mask, gun, and Elder Sign and dive into the trenches. Make sure to check out Never Going Home when it launches on October 30.

October Horror Movie Challenge - C.H.U.D. II: Bud the Chud (1989)

Synopsis: Teens unwittingly free the corpse of soldier turned into a zombie-like cannibal by secret government experiments with C.H.U.D. enzymes.

The Good: The basic premise is good, that's about it. The Bud the C.H.U.D. song made me laugh.

The Bad: I like cheesy horror comedies, but this one may be too cheesy for me. I think that's because it's an 80's bro comedy, with humorous zombies. The effects and dialogue are both really bad. The ending is ridiculous.

Final Thoughts: I loved the first film. It wasn't great, but it was fun. This one tries to be fun, but just doesn't do it for me. Also,  Robert Englund has an uncredited cameo as a guy in a trench coat with trick'r'treaters.
Bud the C.H.U.D.
Armor Class: 12                      Attack Damage: Bite 1d6-1
Hit Dice:                                Special: C.H.U.D.ism
Move: 12                                  Bonus: +3 to Hit, +2 to Damage
Attack: 1 per round                 Terror: 9    HDE: 5

Anyone bitten by someone with C.H.U.D.-ism must make a DC 15 Constitution check (or make an Infection Saving Throw if using Zombies!) or be infected. Reducing them to 0 HP will only temporarily incapacitate them.  The only way to defeat  Bud and others like him is to freeze them and then electrify them.

Also, for reasons unknown a called shot to the testicles will incapacitate a Bud and others like him for 1d6 rounds.

New To Me Movies Watched: 28
Total Movies Watched: 48