Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Golden Age Supers Zine

I've dove headfirst into my golden age OSE supers idea. My plan is to create create rules and a setting. 

So far I've created/updated three classes: ElementalBrawler, and Hulking Brute. I plan on statting up the following classes as well:  Amazon, Archer, Atlantean, Masked Avenger (think classic trench coat, mask, and gun hero). I also want to discuss using the core classes and provide info on updating them to the setting. 

Obviously, I'll need to include some updated equipment and weaponry (like firearms). I will also need to look at other genre rules updates. I don't think providing XP for treasure makes much sense, unless it's granted for money and such recovered. The Old-Schools Essentials version of Dark Places & Demogorgons offers some optional XP rules. I won't be using them, but I might take some inspiration from the idea. 

I will create a bestiary/rogues gallery. This will include stats for premade villains taken from the public domain as well as other foes heroes may face, such as gangsters and Nazis. I also want to end the zine with city setting. The only issue I'm having with ideas for that is do I want to set it pre-WWII, during the war, or post-war. What are your thoughts on that subject?

I might also talk about the greater world (maybe even the stars). I'd like to work Fantomah and Stardust in, even if its a passing mention. 

Do you think there is anything I'm missing that should be in the zine? Also, I know my track record of sticking with things, so we'll see how much progress I actually make on this one.


  1. Yo, I'm on board for this! Your posts revisiting Light City have given me the itch again, and the B/X stylings of OSE seem like a great way to scratch it. (That all sounded a lot dirtier than I meant for it to.)

    The French Light City material on DriveThru may give some good ideas on using the base classes in a supers game. (Not sure if you read French, but I figure translation's pretty overall pretty quick and easy these days.)

    Overall, I'm really looking forward to seeing what you come up with! A return to Forest City? A resurgence of the New Punverse? Will a Marxman make an appearance? And most importantly, will there be a way to build the Acrobatic Flea...?

  2. It would be interesting to see it set during the war, but with the inclusion of super powers on both sides
