Monday, June 30, 2014

Mastermind Monday - Avarialus, Fallen Gunslinger

I know Mastermind Monday posts are few and far between. Its not that I'm not in a supers mood, I've been watching and reading all sorts of supers things, I just haven't had many original characters come to mind.

This is a character that's been in my head for years, though I've only recently fleshed him out more. Avarialus is the angelic father of Wandering Nephil and grandfather of Kid Nephil. Avarialus is an ancient angelic warrior, however during the mid 19th century he became embroiled in a plot to overthrow Heaven and was turned into a mortal and banished to earth. The stats below represent him during that period. I tried to keep his stats similar to some of the western heroes in the DC Adventures Universe book (such as Batlash). If you want his stats angelic stats just use Wandering Nephil's stats and bump him up a 2 Power Levels.

Also, I have a theme song for Avarialus, Bobaflex - Bury Me With My Guns On.

Daniel Avery/Avarialus

The gunslinger, Daniel Avery, did not begin his existence as a mortal. A warrior angel of the Hosts, he fought for centuries on the side of truth and justice. This earned him many enemies.

During the 1860's these forces conspired with an ambitious archangel, Neros to destroy the warrior. Neros and his demonic allies slaughtered a party of Earthbound angels and framed Avarialus for their murder. For this supposed crime he was stripped of his angelic essence and cast down into the mortal realms (specifically the American southwest).

The fallen angel would not have survived long if not for the intervention of the imp, Eti. The demon (in the form of a coyote), warned the warrior of an ambush planned by demonic rivals (the same rivals that allied with Neros). Eti then lead the man to an ancient angelic relic hidden in the desert.  The item, an ancient weapon, took the form of modern weapons when the former angel reached for them, a pair of twin colt revolvers.

With the imp's help, Avarialus (adopting the name Daniel Avery) now wanders the west as a bounty hunter, serving the cause of righteousness, attempting to thwart the earthly schemes of Neros.

Daniel Avery - PL 6

Name: True name is unpronounceable by mortal lips, the closest translation is Avarialus

Strength 3, Stamina 3, Agility 2, Dexterity 2, Fighting 5, Intellect 2, Awareness 3 , Presence 4

Attractive, Defensive Roll 4, Improved Initiative 1, Languages (Latin, Enochian), Quick Draw, Ritualist, Tracking

Athletics 2 (+5), Expertise: Magic 6 (+8), Insight 6 (+9), Intimidation 2 ( +6), Investigation 2 (+4), Perception 2 (+5), Persuasion 2 (+6), Ranged Combat: Pistols 6 (+8), Sleight of Hand 2 (+4), Stealth 2 (+4)

Veritas and Aequitas (Blast 5, Affects Insubstantial [full effect]) - 12 points

Initiative +6
“Veritas and Aequitas” +8, Ranged Damage 5
Unarmed +5, Close Damage 3

Enemies: Avarialus chief enemy is the archangel, Neros. In addition, he has made many enemies among the immortal evils. 

Motivation- Redemption: Avarialus primary goal on Earth is to stop Neros scheme and prove his innocence to the Hosts.

Uneasy Alliance: Avarialus doesn't trust the imp Eti, but has teamed up with the demon to bring down the demons that caused his fall.

English, Enochian, Latin

Dodge 6, Parry 6, Fortitude 6, Toughness 2/6 (with Defensive Roll), Will 6

Power Points
Abilities 48, Powers 12,  Advantages 11, Skills 16 (32 ranks) + Defenses 11 =  98 Points

Sunday, June 29, 2014

The Doom-Cave of the Crystal-Headed Children

Ok, so I now have my hands on a copy of The Doom-Cave of the Crystal-Headed Children.

Alright, like others I have some issue with the cover. It's not the slaughter of the crystal-headed children that bothers me. Why is the adventure title hidden behind artwork? The system name is above the artwork, but it's too much to put the adventure title there too? Okay, in the grand scheme of things, this is a minor quibble, so I'll drop it.

As far as the adventure itself is concerned I have mixed feelings (which tends to be my feelings about many LotFP adventures). I tend to like them overall, but I guess it's not always my kind of weird.

 The dungeon itself is really cool. If you want a to do an Expedition to the Barrier Peaks alien in fantasy adventure, the map and room descriptions work. I love the random charts for the various buttons and crystals. .

I think my issue with the adventure actually lies with the titular crystal-headed children. I understand that this is Lamentations of the Flame Princess and weird is in the description of the game, but this one is just too much for me. All of the children having the same name and features (genetically being the same child) just doesn't work for me. I read the description about why it happens, but I don't know. Perhaps if the children were more like Children of the Damned I think I could have handled it better. Also the "villain" Wiki Dot Pod doesn't do much for me.

Ultimately this is a FREE rpg book so I can't complain too much. I like it overall, I just think that if I ever ran it I would keep the creepiness, just tone down the super weird. That's the great thing about rpg's though, you don't like it, you don't have to run it that way.

Anyone else pick this up? What do you think?

Update: Raggi's has commented on the cover. You can read what he has to say here.

Succubus Sunday - Sinful Cosplay

Vivica Hallow as a Succubus by Insane-Pencil
succubus demon by Binilol-Cosplay
The Succubus by Midnight-lady-Sky
Succubs by Eric-SLYFOX

Saturday, June 28, 2014

There's a Lantern In the Tardis

I honestly don't remember what I was looking for when I found this picture, but I felt the need to share it. 

Friday, June 27, 2014

Friday in Freeport - The Beginning

For today's Friday in Freeport I thought I'd post what started it all, the original Freeport Trilogy. Death in Freeport came out in August of 2000, before the 3rd edition Dungeon Master's Guide or Monster Manual.

Death in Freeport was followed by Terror in Freeport. 
The trilogy was concluded with Madness in Freeport.
I didn't get to play the original Freeport Trilogy when it came out. I was still in high school when it was released, my local shop didn't care 3rd party material, and my mom wouldn't order things online for me. However, I did get to run the trilogy when Green Ronin re-released it in one collected volume and updated to 3.5. I had a group of WTF characters (it was the game I learned never to say "make whatever you want"). The party complained about all of the underhanded things (despite being told it was a PIRATE campaign). Eventually, I had a falling out with two of the three players. That being said, I had fun running the adventure (even if I never got to finish it).

Has anyone else played through or ran these? If so, what was your experience?

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Rippers for Sale

I'm selling my copy of Rippers on Ebay. You can find the auction here. Rippers is a Savage Worlds settings in the style of VanHelsing or League of Extraordinary. It's a really cool setting for Savage Worlds. The pdf is 19.99 and right now my action is only around 12 bucks (plus shipping).  If you're interested in Victorian gaming, steampunk, or classic monsters, check it out.

"Everybody knows there are no such things as monsters…
…You know better.
You are a Ripper—one of a secret band of monster hunters dedicated to saving humanity—and the horrors that stalk the night are your prey. To aid in this struggle, Rippers extract the essence of these monsters’ powers and use them to enhance their own abilities. But be warned, by taking such horrific measures you risk losing your mind—or worse. Torn between the need for greater power and the threat of terrifying insanity, you must choose how best to fight the creatures of the night. Choose well, for if the Rippers fail humanity is lost!
 Rippers is a complete setting for Savage Worlds featuring a full plot point campaign that pits the heroes against the fearsome creatures of the evil Cabal.
Inside this setting you will find rules on creating Rippers, the brave monster hunters who face the growing evil, new Edges and Hindrances, a huge bestiary of hellish adversaries, and details of the Rippers most controversial weapon—Rippertech!"

Monday, June 23, 2014

Free RPG Day 2014

As most of you know, this past Saturday was Free RPG Day. A really cool game shop in Columbus, Ravenstone Games, was a participant. One fine gentleman ran the DCC adventure, Elzemon and the Blood Drinking Box. You can read his report over at Random Encounters (in Ohio). Unfortunately for me I was unable to play because of work. However, I did stop by Ravenstone Games after work. One of the gents and the owner (two of the three picture in the REiO post) were still there and we chatted for a while. I had a really good time talking with them and it has inspired me to fight my normal anxiety and join up with some of the gaming groups there (though it will have to wait until after my son goes back to stay with his mom). If you want to hear more about Ravenstone Games, you can check out with Tim Snider over at The Savage AfterWorld thought of it, here.

Okay, on to the swag. Because it was the end of the day I was able to pick up a couple of books. I grabbed A Druid's Lament and Make Your Own Luck. Make Your Own Luck looks like a lot of fun. The characters (who are only 2nd level) are involved in defending a  town from siege trolls and protecting an important item. While I think it looks great, it also looks like something that a lot of OSR people would hate. I say this because much like 4th Edition, your characters a big deal. They may not be the most powerful characters in the world (the Icons they serve are), but they are superstars. 13th Age is a game I want to pick up, I just haven't pushed myself to do so. I will eventually though. A Druid's Lament is a mid level C&C adventure. I haven't fully read through it, but it looks nice. I like the adventure location. There's a cool story involving a druid getting help from the old gods (which isn't quite what she expected)  and a few new magic items and interesting encounters.

While I don't have them yet, a  friend of mine at Super-Fly Comics and Games in Yellow Springs held a copy of The Doom-Cave of the Crystal Headed Children and the Goodman Games offering. I looked through both at Ravenstone and they look cool. I don't know how much mileage I will get out of the Doom-Cave. It's original and all, but unless I decide to run it as a one-shot, I don't ever see myself playing it. Don't get me wrong I might take a few of Raggi's monsters/encounters, but this adventure just doesn't seem like something I'd run. The Goodman Games offering looks fantastic. The DCC adventure looks fun. It's a first level endeavor, that again you can read about over at Random Encounters (in Ohio). The second part of the book is a mid level Maximum XCrawl adventure. Maximum XCrawl is the Pathfinder update to XCrawl. If you aren't familiar XCrawl is a modern day fantastical tv gladiatoial games rpg. Think American Gladiators with dwarves, death, swords, goblins, and hip-hop. Oh and the Roman Empire never fell... They currently have a kickstarter for it going on right now. Eventhough I said I need to slow down on my support of kickstarters, I'm most like going to back this one. It just seems like a really fun setting.

How was your Free RPG Day?

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Kole, Witch of the Wild (Basic)

In honor of the summer solstice, I've decided to stat up my 4th edition witch Kole, using Tim Brannan's The Witch for Basic.

Kole is a second generation witch. Raised by his mother in the wilds he learned the natural arts. His mother taught him that most distrust their kind. Rather than being resentful, Kole learned to accept that and did his best to stay away from civilization, only occasionally trading with the nearby borderlands keep. He was never the adventurous sort.

This would change later in life when he began to have strange dreams about the nearby Caves of Chaos. He traveled to the keep and joined a party of brave adventurers in their quest to quell the evil. He parted ways with  the group after their mission was complete, but rather than retiring back to his home, he decided to travel more. While he's no longer in the spring of his life, Kole tends to experience life with youthful excitement.

Kole, Witch of the Wild
Level: 7th 
Class: Witch
Tradition: Classical

Strength 9
Dexterity 13
Constitution 14
Intelligence 13
Wisdom 12
Charisma 18

Death Ray or Poison: 11
Magic Wand or Devices: 12
Paralysis, Polymorph, or Turn to Stone 11
Dragon Breath: 14
Rods, Staffs, and Spells: 13

To Hit Armor Class 0: 17
Hit Points: 28
Alignment: Neutral
Armor Class: 5 (3 against slashing and peircing weapons)

Abilities/Occult Powers:
Familiar (Grigori the viper, +1 Int, +2 to Heal)
Herb Use
Temporary Magic


Zero: 5/Day Analyze Pregnancy, Detect Pregnancy, Mend Minor Wounds, Clean, 
1st: 3/Day, Charm Person, Sleep, Spirit Dart
2nd: 2/Day, Biting Blade, Ecstasy
3rd: 2/Day, Bestow Curse, Lifebond
4th: 1/Day, Instant Karma

Equipment/Magic Items:
Blade Resistent Armor, Dagger +1, 2 vials of sky clad oil

Friday, June 20, 2014

Axe Beaks!

Thanks to the fine folks at Kobold Press, this kickstarter has been brought to my attention. The kickstarter is for hand-sculpted ice age mammal minis. That's cool, though it isn't immediately something that excites me by name. Still I decided to check it out. The minis themselves look cool and are reasonably priced, considering their size. What really excited me is that with the stretch goals all backers get free terror birds.... which look like axe beaks! Here's what they look like.

As of now, the all backers will receive three different terror birds and a cave lion.Here's what the unfinished cave lion looks like.

You can get those minis and another of your choice for fifteen bucks. I think I'm going to go with a mini-mammoth.

I know I need to stop backing kickstarters, but I keep finding really cool ones...

Friday in Freeport - Art Preview

For today's Friday in Freeport I decided to post a few preview illustrations of the upcoming Freeport: City of Adventure book.

NPC, Abel Wackets by Bryan Syme

New PC Race, Island Troll by David Heuso

Iconic Freebooter (New PC Class) by Talon Dunning

Thursday, June 19, 2014

A Startling Revelation About Trolls...

I was looking at the cover of this version of the Monster Manual and I came to an amazing realization. Trolls are so strong because they use Shake Weights.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

When Nature Attacks!

I really liked Atlas Games - Penumbra line of d20 books. Among those, Touched by the Gods: A Sourcebook of Cults and Cabals was most definitely my favorite. It was just full of cults and other secretive groups, some funny, some frightening, and some just plain weird.

My favorite group were the Shepherds of the Root. They were a CN nature cult. They followed a goddess that thought civilization was a creation of the gods to keep mortals docile and under control. They're an odd mix of primitives and botanists. I think comparing them to the Batman villain Poison Ivy would be appropriate. One of the most fascinating thing about the cult members is that they all have a seed planted in their chest during a cult ritual (that involves the member being buried planted). When the member dies a plant creature springs forth from the corpse.

I want to include something like this in my 5th edition game. My version won't follow a specific deity, though they'll have allies among some of the wilder gods. I think I prefer the name "The Crushing Root." Barbarians, druids, and savages make up the wilderness faction and botanists, elves, and other potential eco-terrorists make up the "civilized" faction.  The group and its overall goals do make chaotic neutral a suitable alignment choice, though I see some of the members being more chaotic evil. Definitely keeping the burying and seed in the chest ritual, along with the plant creature bursting forth upon death. Unlike the generic creature in the original book, I think the plant monsters that burst forth from my cultists will be varied. A good tactic in fighting the cultists is to use fire, since it would potentially harm the plant creature sprouting forth.

I think this group will be fun to use. Anyone else have any suggestions for my anti-civilization plant cult?

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Succubus Sunday - Fall-from-Grace

Fall-From-Grace is a character from the D&D pc game Planescape:Torment. If you'd like to know more about her check out the Torment wiki, or better yet, buy the game and play it.

Fall-From-Grace by denis48

Planescape - Fall From Grace by theopticnerve

Fall From Grace by elidh

Friday, June 13, 2014

Friday in Freeport - Cult of the Unspeakable One

I've decided to have another semi-regular weekly feature. I'm calling it Friday in Freeport. While the (obvious) focus will be on Green Ronin's Freeport setting, there will most likely be other pirate-y things here too.

One of my favorite part's of the Freeport setting is the inclusion of the Cult of the Unspeakable One. As I've shown many times, I love Hastur and the Yellow Sign, so this is right up my alley. Here are some unspeakable images for your enjoyment.

Hastur the Unspeakable One by nightserpent

Hastur by capprotti

Hastur, el Rey Amarillo by BorjaPindado

The Yellow Sign by S1yMcNasty

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Gaming Update

This past Sunday I was able to roll dice with one of my best friends from high school, Josh. He ran a short Savage Worlds Ghostbusters. The scenario was short and took place circa 1995 in Cincinnati  Ohio (near where Josh lives). It was a lot of fun and we were using it to test out Savage Worlds. Both of us pitched in on the recent East Texas University kickstarter.

The project looks like a lot of fun, but after playing with Savage Worlds, neither of us are thinking its the system we'll use. We're both leaning more towards using classic or cinematic unisystem.

That leads me to the second short game we played Sunday. We kicked off a 1 on 1 Buffy game using the Lair of the Wendigo setting from The Slayer's Guide. The game was fun and I think it will continue to be so. The only issue is that I shoved way too much weird and supernatural into one session. I'm using the Djinn, but instead of replacing elements with Lair of the Wendigo stuff, I just added it. So in his first episode, the character Jack found out he was a totem warrior (which I'm adding more powers to as the series goes on) and faced vampires, wendigo, and fictional characters brought to life. It was a bit crowded.

Finally, Remy, one of the security guards at work (and one of my newest pals) wants to start playing D&D. I talked him into waiting about a month and we're going to give 5th Edition Basic a try. I believe he's going to try to talk his roommates into playing and I'm excited.  I've already got an adventure in mind after watching Grabbers on Netflix last night. If you've not watched the movie, I recommend doing so. To me it felt like an Irish version of Tremors.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Mastermind Monday - Kid Nephil

The teen wonder, Kid Nephil is a legacy, the son of the Wandering Nephil and the former femme fatale Ms. Direction.  Ryan never met his father. Raised by his mother, Ryan grew up with stories of his father's heroism and has aspired to prove he's worthy of the Nephilim line. Ryan never doubted his purpose in life. As soon as he could lift his fathers blade he began to train. He inherited his fathers wings, divine fortitude, and empathic healing. In addition, like his mother, he's immune to illusions. Like his father, he learned the tongue of his angelic forefathers and studied magic. At the age of 15, he (reluctantly) received his mother's blessing, took the name Kid Nephil, and began his heroic career.

Kid Nephil - PL 10

Name: Ryan Avery

Strength 3, Stamina 4, Agility 4, Dexterity 4, Fighting 5, Intellect 2, Awareness 3, Presence 4

Attractive, Beginner's Luck, Inspire I, Interpose, Jack-of-all-Trades, Languages (Latin, Enochian), Quick Draw,  Ritualist

Acrobatics 4 (+8), Close Combat: Swords 5 (+10), Expertise: Current Events 2 (+4) Expertise: Magic 5 (+7), Investigation 4 (+6), Persuasion 10 (+14) 

Bloodline Sense 
Feature 1 - Can detect Avarialus' bloodlines - 1 Point

Martyr’s Healing
Healing 10 (Empathic) – 10 points

Ms. Direction's Son
Senses Counter's Illusion (Sight, Smell, Sound) - 6

Flight 10 (Wings) – 10 points
Protection 6 – 6 points
Regeneration 6 – 6 points

Strike 7 (Penetrating 7, Removable, Strength Based) - 12 points

Initiative +4
“Smiter” +10, Close Damage 10 (Penetrating 7)
Unarmed +5, Close Damage 3

Enemies: Kid Nephil's family has been fighting evil for centuries. During this time they've made many enemies.

Legacy: Kid Nephil's father was a great hero, loved by many. He feels a great burden to live up to his father's name.

Motivation- Doing Good: Kid Nephil’s purpose in life is to make the world a better place.

English, Enochian, Latin

Dodge 10, Parry 10, Fortitude 10, Toughness 10, Will 10

Power Points
Abilities 58, Powers 51,  Advantages 8, Skills 15 (30 ranks) + Defenses 18 = 150 Points

Friday, June 6, 2014

Friday in Freeport

This week I received the rough draft pdf of the Pathfinder Freeport book that I backed last March. I could sit here and complain about the fact the book is almost a year over due, but honestly I'm just really excited to look through the material.  This book is going to be worth the wait. 

I've decided to post some of my favorite Freeport art (most of it by Wayne Reynolds).