Friday, September 30, 2016

Tomorrow It Begins...

I don't plan on watching the whole list, but this is one I've put together for the challenge. In no particular order: 
  1. Bats (1999)
  2. Jack Brooks Monster Slayer (2007)
  3. Ginger Snaps (2000)
  4. Gingers Snaps 2: Unleashed (2004)
  5. Gingers Snaps Back (2004)
  6. A Christmas Horror Story (2015)
  7. Tucker and Dale vs Evil (2010)
  8. Bone Tomahawk (2015)
  9. Hellbenders (2012)
  10. Hatchet (2006)
  11. Scout's Guide to the Zombie Apocalypes (2015)
  12. The Last Lovecraft (2011)
  13. Dead 7 (2016) - FTV
  14. Vampyres (1974) - FTV
  15. They’re Watching (2016) – FTV
  16. Mexico Barbaro (2014) – FTV
  17. Southbound (2015) – FTV
  18. Killdozer (1974) – FTV
  19. Curse of the Undead (1959) – FTV
  20. Baskin (2015) – FTV
  21. Night of the Demons (1988) –FTV
  22. Night of the Demons (2009) – FTV
  23. Fright Night 2 (2013) – FTV
  24. The Taking of Deborah Logan (2014) – FTV
  25. The Shrine (2010) – FTV
  26. From the Dark (2014) – FTV
  27. Creep (2014) – FTV
  28. Relic (1997) – FTV
  29. Housebound (2014) – FTV
  30. Let Us Prey (2014) – FTV
  31. Kristy (2013) – FTV
  32. The Gorgon (1964) - FTV
  33. Contracted: Phase II (2015) – FTV
  34. Neon Maniacs (1986) - FTV
  35. When Animals Dream (2014) – FTV
  36. Uncaged (2015) – FTV
  37. All the Boys Love Mandy Lane (2014) - FTV
  38. The Hallow (2015) – FTV
  39. The Ward (2011) – FTV
  40. Starry Eyes (2014) – FTV
  41. Stage Fright (2014) – FTV
  42. Resurrection (2015) – FTV
  43. Haunt (2013) – FTV
  44. JeruZalem (2016) – FTV
  45. We Are What We Are (2013) – FTV
  46. Red Clover (2013) - FTV
+Timothy Brannan will be taking part as well. He always has interesting choices for the challenge. make sure to stop by The Other Side.

I've reserved some Hammer Horror flicks I've not seen too. I want to do some gaming write-ups with each. If possible I'm going to do cinematic unisystem stats. Speaking of Cinematic Unisystem I'm bringing back Ash Wednesday for the month. Each week I'll be doing an archetype or quicksheet inspired by the Nerdist short, Lady Killers.

If I keep getting inspiration, I may use the Necronomicon to resurrect the feature permanently.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

The Fearless Giant Killers

It is my pleasure to introduce you to my party for Storm King's Thunder. They don't have a name yet, but I'm sure they'll come up with a grand one.

Varkus the Charmer (CG Dhampir Rogue): Varkus the Charmer was born a poor beggar's son in the far lands of Thay where the winds blew with a darkness and fiends roamed in full view. His parents aware of the fate that would await them, escaped the place putting their lives on the line to let the boy live a better life. Alas tragedy struck and Varkus' parents lost their lives in their escape. They luckily entrusted the young boy to travelling bards, who took him in as an apprentice. Taught the trade, he now travels the realms looking to make fame and fortune and woo the hearts of many a young lass.... at least that's the story you hear from the man's mouth.

Varkus was actually born Luciat Emancio Mordecai. An intentional birthing between a powerful vampire in the city of Westgate. Born to eventually excel as the hand of his “father” Orbakh, he was groomed with their teachings and skills from birth. His bloodline strong, keeping him in check and his ability to appear as a normal person made him the perfect weapon to send into the world. His thirst being his biggest weakness, Varkus was efficient at his job, killing many unaware nobles even before his teens. However as with most like him, he fell victim to love. He met a young girl during one of his missions. Playing the part of a wounded homeless boy he was taken in by the church of Selune. His target was the high priest, an elderly but gentle man. While being cared for and seeking his opportunity he made friends with a girl named Merrissa. An aspiring nun who tended him, his friendship was more to him than he understood. His feelings caused him to drag his mission out far too long as he looked for reason after reason to stay and speak to the young girl. Eventually suffering from a crisis of conscious he fled, only to be found by his handler a man named Harkin Gallor. A cruel jailer of sorts he whipped Varkus until he confessed his reasons for failure. In a rage Orbakh ordered the church slaughtered and the girl turned. Varkus watched as it happened tears of rage flowing down his face. He decided then that he would be with the masks no more. That day he used his skills to escape his pin. He then stalked into the master chamber and ripped open the shutters. He then opened the coffin to kill his cruel father. He discovered only too late the one on the coffin was not him, but rather the young Merrissa. As she burnt away, Varkus died even a little more inside. Bludgeoning Harkin and shackling him to the wall, Varkus burnt the safe house to the ground and walked away, throwing his old name and life away and becoming Varkus the Charmer forevermore. Now he travels to enjoy life and find the good he hopes hasn't fully forsaken him. (background written by player)

Valkur is played by +Stew Perkins 

Dor (NG Half-Orc Druid): The gentle Dor never fit in with the orc tribe he was born into. He wandered away at the young age of six (taking a holy symbol from the tribes shaman with him). Running from his tribe, he fell into a ravine. A kind druid found the broken boy, bound his wounds, and raised him as his apprentice, teaching him the ways of druidcraft.

Dor travels Faerun to learn more about the world he's sworn to protect and help preserve the balance between civilization and nature.

Dor is played by Rich.

Ella Henwen (NG Human Wild Magic Sorcerer): Ella was born the fifth child (of seven) to pig farmers. Generation after generation of her ancestors were only concerned with bacon, county fairs, curly tails, and occasionally truffles (the particular ambitious ones).  Ella seemed to be set to follow this tradition.  She was born utterly unremarkable.  Mousy brown hair, mousy brain eyes; she was neither intelligent or dumb; beautiful nor plain.  She was destined to be the kind of villager whose only role in adventure is pointing the real adventurers toward the inn.

However, one day Ella got caught in a sudden snow storm while chasing a lost piglet through the forest.  She became hopelessly lost in the storm until finally collapsing from the cold. Ella’s memories after that are fuzzy.  She vaguely remembers being lifted from the snow and led by the hand through the storm by a beautiful woman whose eyes were like diamonds who walked barefoot through the snow.

She awoke in the snow behind her family’s home without any injuries…  Strangely, her hair had turned ice blue. Her family was shocked to find her alive but even more shocked when, two days later, she accidentally made an entire pen of pigs invisible and turned herself into a potted plant. Her life continued in this fashion for the next 16 years with various magical mishaps after another. Her family tried their best, but were quite bewildered as to what to do with her. They loved her nonetheless (even if she had to sit in the back during funerals after the incident where Grandma’s coffin kept floating away).

At 16 she decided to go out into the world.  Her father gave her his favorite walking stick (with a boar head on the end) as a farewell present.  Unlike most adventures her childhood was fairly happy despite all of the magical mishaps that seemed to follow her.  Her parents, 7 siblings (could be 8 by now who knows?), 20 nieces and nephews, 6 aunts and uncles, 30 cousins, 2 grandparents, are all perfectly alive and not evil. Even weird uncle Larry who once ate a mushroom that tried to fight back and was never the same again is alive and kicking.

After leaving home, she spent two years travelling Faerun and managed to learn to read and gathered a small bit of arcane knowledge.  She is painfully aware of her lack of education and does her best to fill in the gaps. She shores up her lack of knowledge with a thirst for learning.  Ella is excited and wants to experience everything.  She is also curious to a fault.  When in doubt, poke it with a stick.  Or drink it. That’s her motto.  She really wishes she could learn cure poison… (background written by player)

Ella is played by Kasey.

Nathaniel Graves (CN Human Fighter): The Iron Eagles mercenary company were an up and coming merc group on the Sword Coast. That was until they took a job to wipe out a group of bandits. The soldiers were surprised to find the large group of bandits they were expecting to face were actually two highly trained warriors with strange smoke powder weapons. The bandits, the Crowley Brothers, managed to kill the entire group, except Nathaniel, although Clarion Crowley lost his life as well.  Nathaniel took his tools and equipment and set out on his own.

Nathaniel takes jobs for the Lord's Alliance, though his true loyalty is to his company and coin. Recently he has adopted a motley of young adventurers as his new team. When he's not fighting, he's drinking or tinkering with the strange weapons he recovered from Crowley.

Nathaniel is played by Justin.

Salt In Wounds Kickstarter

Today I learned of a new, wild sounding Kickstarter, Salt in Wounds Tabletop Setting for 5th Edition & Pathfinder.

What is Salt in Wounds?

It's a weird, gory, dark fantasy city bit around one of D&D most feared monstrosities, the Tarrasque! You can find out quite a bit about the setting here. The Salt in Wounds at a Glance and Tarrasque Flesh Golem (available for 5E and Pathfinder) pdfs are particularly interesting. Apparently the city was originally a part of an old thread. I'm not sure if the creator of the Kickstarter was one of those original posters or if he's just someone that took the idea and run with it.

The setting has corrupt noble houses, mutants, ghouls, and mad alchemists.  Judging by the bit of art I've seen and the fact the Tarrasque is referred to as a kaiju, I get a definite east Asian vibe to the city. It definitely makes me think of Hannibal Chau from Pacific Rim (and that's a great thing in my book).

The project has almost a month left and has funded. If you're looking for an interesting new setting, it is worth checking out.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Fee, Fly, Foe, Fund: A Storm King's Thunder Adventure

Fee, Fly, Foe, Fund: A Storm King's Thunder Adventure is a pay what you want sidetrek for Storm King's Thunder available on Dungeon Master's Guild. It is written by former Wizards of the Coast staff member (and producer of the 5E core rulebooks), Greg Bilsland. It was designed for part of D&D 24-hour 2016 Extra Life game. 50% of all sales will be donated to D&D Extra Life team, so throw some money at it.

This adventure is a brings the characters back to Nightstone and deals with the hill giant wives affected by Chief Guh's (pronounced "Goo") plan. The whole thing is very combat heavy, which is fun. The maps definitely aren't professionally done, but this is a fun little adventure that's for a good cause.

I mean, c'mon, the adventure includes damage for a giant using half a cow as a weapon...

Thanks to +Stew Perkins for letting me know about this.

Monday, September 26, 2016

New Mythoard

I received a new Mythoard today. This one has a few things I'm rather excited about. Sabres and Witchery is essentially a Solomon Kane version of Swords & Wizardry. Having part one of the S&W Rappan Athuk Cyclopean Deeps for is pretty cool too. I may not be playing Razor Coast as I'd originally intended, but I'm still excited for new S&W material.

 The Lesser Gnome Games miniature was my favorite part though. The little guy is perfect for a goblin bard or herald. I didn't know I needed a mini of one of those, but I'm glad I have one.

The Dungeoneer is fun to look at and War Cry is a full miniatures rules set from the Judges Guild. The adventure hook card is neat and as always I love the exclusive insert (which has two parts this time). This month's is definitely written for something like D&D, but is rather edition neutral (or at least looks that way to me).

This makes me want to buy more Lesser Gnome miniatures.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Adding Another Giant Lord (via World Builder Blog)

The desert giant addition to Storm King's Thunder is finished over at World Builder Blog. It's even been made into a nice downloadable pdf (which can be found here). If you're flipping through your Monster Manual and wondering why you can find the desert giant, that's because it comes from Tome of Beasts. However, desert dwelling giants have been a part of D&D for a while.

Desert Giant (2nd Edition)

Desert Giant (2nd Edition)
Sand Giant (3rd edition)

Desert Giant (Pathfinder)

Succubus Sunday

Cosplay by Miu Moonlight

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Giant Miniatures and 5E

This past week I was getting minis ready for Storm King's Thunder and I noticed a slight problem with the giants.

All of the standard giants in 5th edition are huge. In 4th edition giants were typically large and titans were huge. In third edition and Pathfinder, most giants are large (with the exception of cloud and storm). Between myself and my friend Stew, we have quite a few giants of nearly all varieties. However, most of our giants aren't the appropriate size. Stew is going to make some cardboard huge bases to put them on, but it's still a nuisance.

Each booster of the new set of D&D minis comes a giant. Every giant in the set is appropriately sized. Something that does bother me slightly is that frost and stone giants have already been released in the 5th edition line of minis. The minis themselves are appropriately sized, but the bases are one size too small. I searched the net to find a few pictures to show what I'm talking about.

Large Frost Giant (5e) next to a Huge Ice Titan (4E)
Large Stone Giant (5e) next to a Huge Death Titan (4E)
None of this is the end of the world and I've already figured out a way to fix the problem, but it's still odd and a bit frustrating.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Decorative Gourd Season Is Almost Upon Us

So yeah... I might be a little excited for Halloween. I will be participating in the October Horror Movie Challenge again this year. I'm not going with a theme, but I'd like to have some sort of gaming tie-in with every post (whether it be new stats, magic items, or spells).

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Or Not...

Some spoilers from Storm King's Thunder. Also, if you're one of my SKT players, stop reading now.

It looks like I posted a little prematurely (don't you hate when that happens). Two of my four players have already played through The Lost Mine. This is the new plan.

Level 1 - The Impregnable Fortress of Dib and The Marrow Mines (from Prepared!): The party are hired by a guard/noble from a city (tbd) to handle a goblin and kobold problem that's been plaguing a local trade route. The fortress is just fantastic. I'm going to use it in future games. The Marrow Mines are intriguing as well. I may make the fossilized leviathan, something from the time of the giant empire. I might even place a rune magic item there. BTW, if you would like more rune magic items for you game, check out this post from World Builder Blog. After completing their task they will meet the quest giver in the Fiery Grog Tavern.

Level 2 - Fiery Grog Tavern and Madness of the Rat King: The tavern is a great set piece that has some fun encounters and unique npc's. It's here they're get the hook to move into Madness of the Rat King which I think will be fun. The adventure features a mad elven alchemist and his mutant rats. It's a classic video game (low level rat-filled zone) cliche', but I think the group will have fun with it (and the bizarre mutant rats).

Level 3+ Storm King's Thunder: Once they finish Madness of the Rat King the characters will head to Nightstone. From here, I'll run A Great Upheaval pretty much as is. The party may be a bit overpowered, but I don't necessarily think they'll be that much. Once they take care of the dripping caverns, I'll level them up as the adventure instructs. I've decided that Bryn Shander will be the settlement the hook leads them too.

Level 6 Sanctuary of Belches, A Cloud Giant's Bargain, and The Secret Party House of the Hill Giant Playboy: These three adventures will take place during Chapter 3: The Savage Frontier. A Cloud Giant's Bargain will take place when the party is in Waterdeep for Sirac of Suzail's quest. Sanctuary of Belches will be a part of Beldora's Quest (and the events will be affecting Huddleston). I think Thwip will take a liking to the party's gunslinger and may pass on plans for one of the "Craft only" firearms listed with the Gunslinger archetype.  Finally Lord Xados of The Secret Party House of the Hill Giant Playboy will be another way to foreshadow Chief Guh. Xados has heard of the chief and doesn't like the prospect of being taken as one of her mates.

In addition I will be using World Builder Blog's desert giant additions (which thus far can be found here and here) for the adventure.

Hraesvelgr the Corpse Swallower is a unique divine-blooded neutral giant from Tome of Beasts. I'm not sure how, but I'd love to find a way to incorporate him into the adventurer.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Another Pirate Post

Goutte d’Or (Drop of Gold) is a delightful stop-motion short film featuring an undead pirate trying to gain the affection of an octopus queen of the dead. To watch the film, click the picture above.

I really enjoyed it. How about you?

Returning To The Lost Mine

This post contains spoilers for Storm King's Thunder.

I've got my copy of Storm King's Thunder and I'm preparing to start my new campaign with folks back home Friday. I really enjoy STK. Every encounter seems interesting to me, the story is solid (and inspired by King Lear), and the art is gorgeous. One issue I have with it though is that chapter one, A Great Upheaval, takes the characters from level 1-5 in just a few encounters. I discussed it with my party and we're going to start the campaign by going through the adventure in the 5e Starter Set, Lost Mine of Phadelver. It's a solid adventure that I really enjoyed running.

I still haven't decided which hook I'm going to use to connect the adventures. I could go with the suggested Triboar connection, but I kind of want to use the eccentric Zephyros and his tower. I might do that and still send the party to Bryn Shander.

For those of you that are planning on running Storm King's Thunder. Are you using A Great Upheaval or are you taking another route to start the story?

Monday, September 19, 2016

International Talk Like A Pirate Day

Today is International Talk Like A Pirate Day. Celebrate by checking out some nautical themed gaming materials. There is a new edition of 7th Sea (and it looks beautiful). Skull and Shackles is an entertaining Pathfinder adventure path. Razor Coast is a great setting/campaign for Swords & Wizardry and Pathfinder. Use the code RC50 at on the Frog God Games website until Midnight tonight to pick up the Razor Coast books for 50% of the cover price. Finally, you can check out the grand daddy of pirate settings, Green Ronin's Freeport.

If you want to learn to speak pirate, check out Mango Languages. It is an online language learning website that has pirate courses (as well as many actual languages). Many libraries subscribe, so you might have free access to it.

Finally, you can celebrate by listening to some pirate-y music.

Monstrous Monday - The Birch (5E)

Last week I discovered a delightfully dark faerie tale short film, The Birch. You can watch it here.

I will most likely stat her out for other systems (definitely cinematic unisystem), but for my first go I decided to stat her for 5E.

The Birch

The Birch is an ancient dryad, more powerful than most of her sisters. While still feminine, her form is horrifying and somewhat reminiscent of a corpse.

Terrifying Guardian. Though she can be cruel and malicious, the Birch is also protects those that honor her. She will protect children with good hearts: "For thee who makes me I shall come. He who breaks me, shall come undone."

Bound No More. Unlike most dryads, the Birch is not bound to a specific tree. However, her forest is her home and she protects it with a truly frightening fury.

The Birch
Medium Fey, neutral evil
Armor Class 16
Hit Points 44 (10d8)
Speed 30 ft.
    STR     DEX      CON     INT      WIS      CHA
10 (+0)  12 (+1)   14 (+2)  13 (+2)  18 (+4)  13 (+1)
Skills Perception +6, Stealth +5
Damage Resistance Necrotic, Poison
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16
Languages Common, Elvish, Sylvan
Challenge 4
Innate Spellcasting. The Birch's innate spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 14). The Birch can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components.

At will: druidcraft
3/day: entangle, goodberry
2/day: pass without a trace
1/day: vampiric touch

Magic Resistance. The Birch has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Speak with Beasts and Plants. The Birch can communicate with beasts and plants as if they shared a language.

Tree Stride. On her turn, the Birch can use 10 of her movement to magically step into one living tree within her reach and emerge from a second living tree within 60 feet of the first tree, appearing in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the second tree. Both trees must be Large or bigger.

Multiattack. The Birch can make two claw attacks.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6) slashing damage.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Deep Magic: Illumination and Ley Lines

The folks at Kobold Press have released two more PDFs in their 5E Deep Magic line.

Illumination Magic - Illumination is a new magic tradition created by the shadow fey. It bends light and shadow and is closely tied to stars and the plane of shadow. It has a new arcane tradition, feat, 22 spells, and a npc illuminator.

My thoughts: This school is fun and seems like it would be a lot of fun for an elven wizard. The feat provides some nice benefits.

Ley Lines - Ley lines are invisible rivers of magic power that flow through the land. This book discusses how they can be used (and the mechanics of doing so), two feats that allow characters to tap into them, the geomancy arcane tradition, and 15 new spells tied to ley lines.

My thoughts: Ley lines are a wonderful way to make your world more magical. If you're using the Forgotten Realms, this is a great way to emulate places were the Weave is strong.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Cryptworld - Deal of the Day

Today's DriveThruRPG Deal of the Day is for Chill's spiritual sequel, Cryptworld. It's is a fun supernatural game that does a great job emulating a lot of subgenre's of horror. Want more horrific goodness for the game? +Tim Snider over at The Savage Afterworld has you covered.

Update: Tim's made The Sketchbook of Grotesqueries temporarily available again. Grab this free monster supplement while you can. Find out how by checking out Tim's post.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Cloud Giant's Bargain

I didn't attend the Fathom Event. There were two theaters in my city that had showings, but I didn't think my seven year old would sit through it. Copies of the adventure have made their way to Ebay and I picked one up for eleven dollars. This adventure is tied into Storm King's Thunder, but is, at best, a side trek. In the adventure the characters are recruited by the world famous adventuring company, Acquisitions Inc. Recruited might be a strong word, but they are given the opportunity to become interns. The adventure is well written and has great guidelines for running it (especially for new dungeon masters). It includes stat blocks for the monsters the party will face. I'm going to be using this as a side trek for Storm King's Thunder. I may right up a little review when I actually run the adventure.

Did any of you folks watch Acquisitions Inc live in theaters?

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

They Might Be (Against The) Giants

Well it looks like it's a good thing I've been making notes and things related to Storm King's Thunder because I'm going to be running it soon. I still want to run a Swords & Wizardry Razor Coast game, but this game will have more appeal to my players and honestly I'm getting really excited about an adventure of these proportions.

I was talking with my friend Wirty today about the accelerated leveling system used in the first chapter of the book. I think I'm going to take a similar approach to the entire game. Instead of awarding XP, I will award the characters levels at appropriate story moments.

I'm making some additions to the adventure.I'm adding the desert giant lord being created over at World Builder Blog. I'm picking up Sanctuary of Belches on payday. Finally, The Secret Party House of the Hill Giant Playboy will be a visited locale.

Character generation will take place next Friday. I'm open to third party sources so I'll have my 5E character-centric binder with me.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Succubus Sunday - Xana

Xana is a succubus warrior that appeared in two Might & Magic games.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Deep Magic: Rune, Gear, and Void

Kobold Press has some wonderful magic supplements in their Deep Magic line. Each pdf is 5 dollars or less.

Clockwork Magic - Machine magic is cool. This book presents a new cleric domain, warlock patron, and arcane tradition. In addition the book presents 45 new spells of the clockwork school/type. This has obvious uses in Eberron. In addition if you're using the Forgotten Realms, this is Gond-damned perfect (pun totally intended)!

My thoughts: I want to make a "grinds my gears" joke but this is just a solid, fun pdf.

Rune Magic - This book presents 25 magical runes and feats that allow you to tap into their power. In addition their are five rune rituals. There are 32 rune magic spells, though they seem Nordic, but not really rune themed in general. Also they're not part of a new school. The book also has two magic items, two new conditions, and two monsters.

My thoughts: Some of this isn't really rune themed. It's Norse, but not rune-centric. However the rune lore is great. Honestly, the non-rune stuff is good too. I think this is an excellent supplement to the upcoming Storm King's Thunder adventure.

Void Magic - This magic is crafted from void speech, destructive words that came into being as a result of the words of creation. The book has two feats, an arcane tradition, and 13 spells of the new void school.

My thoughts: This is the shortest, but it's also my favorite. The idea of void speech and magic makes me think of vile speech from the 3.0 Book of Vile Darkness. I think I will treat it as such in my game.

The Buried Zikurat Kickstarter - Final Hours

Just a reminder that The Buried Zikurat is in it's final hours and you should be a backer. +Kevin Watson's first KS, The Lost Temple of Forgotten Evil, was fantastic and I'm sure this will be too.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Supers Inspiration - Overwatch

Lately I've been addicted to the video game Overwatch. It's a first person objective-based shooter from Blizzard Entertainment. Each character has their own unique abilities and personality. If you have a PS4 or Xbox One you can try the game for free September 9-12.

The real reason I'm posting about it though is because the game is great inspiration for things like Mutants and Masterminds or Villains and Vigilantes. It doesn't take that big of a stretch of the imagination to picture the world of Overwatch as the future of The Incredibles. Check out the various trailers and animated shorts below and see if you get the same feeling.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Storm King's Thunder - A Great Upheaval

Much like Death House for Curse of Strahd, Wizards of the Coast has released the first chapter of Storm King's Thunder entitled A Great Upheaval. This will take starting characters from level 1-5 (though that seems like a lot of levels for just a few pages). The adventure also contains new monster stats, the tressym.

Honestly, this is a great marketing idea for WotC. Give players a taste of the adventure.

It will be a bit before I buy a copy of Storm King's Thunder, but the copy I reserved through the library is in processing now. I may or may not run the adventure, but I'm still excited to read it. If you're going to run it, you should check out my suggested side quests.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Monstrous Monday - Owlbeartross (S&W)

I wanted to post something for #monstrousmonday. Honestly, this is just the Swords & Wizardry Complete owlbear stats with a few modification to make it nautical. I will use this in my Razor Coast game.

Hit Dice: 5
Armor Class: 5 [14]
Attacks: 2 webbed claws (1d6), 1 peck (1d6)
Saving Throw: 12
Special: Hug for additional 2d8 if to-hit roll is 18+
Move: 6/12 (Swimming)
Alignment: Neutrality
Challenge: 5/240

Owlbeartosses are the aquatic cousins of the common owlbear. They have the body of a bear with webbed claws and the beak of an albatross, with some feathers on the head and other places. One an attack roll of 18 (natural roll) with it's claws, the owlbear grabs its victim and hugs it for an addition 2d8 points of damage. This can be quite deadly and cause a risk of drowning considering they often attack from the waves.

The owlbeartross is a promotion card for the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game.

Captcha Saves Lives.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

More Music From the Shudder Mountains

If you're taking a trip over yonder to the Shudder Mountains, I have some more music to recommend. The bluegrass group, Iron Horse, has two Metallica cover albums and both are fantastic. I realize it might not be for everyone, but if you want something a little different, check them out. 

Succubus Sunday - Sister of Seduction

Sister of Seduction by Alex Horley