Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Giant Catfish (S&W Light)

This monster will be used in an upcoming Swords & Wizardry Light game I'm doing.

Giant Catfish by Viergacht
Giant Catfish
AC 4 [15]                     HD: 3                                  Attacks: bite (2d6)              Move: 12 (swim)

Giant catfish are monstrous catfish. Some are docile, but others are extremely aggressive (such as those that serve Boss Tide).

Monday, February 27, 2017

Monstrous Monday - The Phantom Puppet (LotFP)

This story originally appeared in The Beyond #1.

The Phantom Puppet
Armor: 15,  HP: 24, Movement 80'1 dagger (1d4),  Morale 8
Skills: Climb 4, Sleight of Hand 3, Sneak Attack 3, Stealth 4

Phantom puppets are deathly afraid of fire. When immobile they are identical to mundane puppets.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Pirates of Dark Water

Growing up The Pirates of Dark Water was one of those shows I loved. Here's the show's premise:

The alien planet of Mer is being devoured by an evil substance known as Dark Water. Only the brave (and inexperienced) prince, Ren and his allies can stop it by find the Thirteen Treasures of Rule. His allies in a monkey-bird, a pirate, and an eco-mancer. They travel the water surface of Mer looking for the relics in their ship, the Wraith, all the while being chased by the evil pirate lord, Bloth, and his massive ship the Maelstrom.

The show had a great style and unlike many cartoons at the time, a serious plot. I think it would make a great setting for a Shadow of the Demon Lord game. What if the Dark Water was actually the Demon Lord's shadow on the world? I'm sure just about everything a person would need to run this game will be in the Shadow of the Demon Lord Freeport Companion. Well, except monkey-birds, which would be a fun ancestry.

What do you think? Do you remember this show? Ever use elements of it in your game?

Friday, February 24, 2017

Friday in Freeport - The Celebrant

+Robert Schwalb has released his first preview of the upcoming Shadow of the Demon Lord Freeport Companion. One of the new expert paths in the book the celebrant looks like a lot of fun.

A devotee of the unpredictable pirate god, One-Eyed Pete, the celebrant is the best kind of cultist. These pirates are trouble makers that seek to find treasure and booze to placate their chaotic patron.

The celebrant path's abilities all hinge on him being wasted on rum or another pirate-y spirit. They become impaired but take less damage and are capable of doing other feats while influence by that famous old spiced. In addition, they get some pirate appropriate magic.

I have to say, the first taste of Freeport SotDL-style is quite awesome. Keep your eye out for more pirate-Demon Lord shenanigans here and remember the kickstarter is supposed to launch in less than a week (March 1st).

Thursday, February 23, 2017

The Haunted Bed (SotDL)

This is my second attempt to stat something out using Shadow of the Demon Lord. It was inspired by his one page story (which originally appeared in Out of the Shadow #5).

The Phantom of the Haunted Bed
Difficulty 25
Size 1 Spirit
Perception 10 (+0)
Defense 10 (+0), Health 20
Strength 13 (+3), Agility 10 (+0), Intellect 10 (+0), Will 12 (+2)
Speed 10
Immune damage from cold, disease, fire, and poison; gaining insanity; asleep, blinded, deafened, diseased, fatigued, immobilized, poisoned, slowed.

Attack Options Grab +3 with 1 boon, target becomes grabbed for one round. The phantom can maintain this grab as an action. After the first round the target begins to suffocate (see page 202).

This phantom is the spirit of a priest of Father Death that was killed by an innkeeper who feared his life was coming to an end. As long as the bed exists, the phantom will rise when someone attempts to sleep in it. If the bed is destroyed it will reform on the next full moon in a random inn/boarding house/hotel somewhere in the Empire.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Ash Wednesday - My Birthday, Your Present

My birthday is coming up on the 5th and I'm feeling like sharing one of my loves. All you have to do is comment on this post and give me an idea for a future Ash Wednesday post you think would be fun to see and you'll have a chance to win a pdf copy of the Army of Darkness Corebook. I'll randomly determine the winner on my birthday. 

Random Musical Interlude - Game of Thrones Theme (Western Cover)

This would be a great music for a Deadlands, The Sixth Gun, Stakes and Six-Shooters, or any other other weird west game.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Monstrous Monday - The Wig (LotFP)

There will be Hell toupee for this post. The story originally appeared in Out of the Shadows #11.
The Wig
Armor: 13,  HD: 1 (7 HP), Movement 120'1 wrestle (+3 bonus) Morale 12
Skills: Climb 6, Stealth 6

The Wig is a silent killer out for revenge. It's dispatches it's victims by attempting to strangle them in their sleep. The target of its' vengeance is plagued by nightmares and often feels the effects of Sleep Deprivation (Rules & Magic pg 36).

Friday, February 17, 2017

Off The Beaten Path Kickstarter

Just a reminder that +Thom Wilson's Off The Beaten Path kickstarter ends in a few days. If you want a Swords & Wizardry Light or system neutral book of forest adventures, this is for you.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Plane Shift: Kaladesh

I love that Wizards of the Coast is finally combining their properties for projects. I like it even more because they're free. Today Plane Shift: Innistrad and Plane Shift: Zendikar have been joined by a new MTG to D&D supplement, Plane Shift: Kaladesh.

Kaladesh is a magical plane of artificers and crafters. It is the perfect setting to use the Unearthed Arcana: Artificer in.

This Plane Shift discusses how to fit the PHB backgrounds and classes in the setting. It also includes a new sorcerous origin: pyromancer. Being a haven for artificers, there's a new magic item type discussed, Aether-powered devices. There are rules for inventing, manufacturing, buying, and selling these items. Two invention-related feats are also provided.

The pdf includes new versions of several races: dwarves, humans, and elves. There are two new races, the short-lived aetherborn and the innovative vedalken (who believe that nothing can be perfect, but that doesn't mean you should try to improve).

Like previous Plane Shift pdfs, the Bestiary chapter discusses adapting existing monsters to Kaladesh. It also includes new monsters, like the gremlin, sky leviathan, and servo.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Ash Wednesday - Survivalist Quality

This post was inspired by the national treasure that is Burt Gummer and Ash's crazy militia friend from season 1 of Ash vs Evil Dead.


Survivalist (5 pt. Quality)
No zombie apocalypse, Ruskie invasion, or machine uprising is going to stop you. You know how to survive. Sure, some might think you're crazy, but it'll be you laughing when they end comes.

Survivalists get +1 to one physical attribute and +1 to one mental attribute. They also get +1 to the Notice and Mr. Fix-It skills. They get +2 to Gun Fu and Knowledge.

On the downside, they tend to be paranoid conspiracy theorists. They have Mental Problems: Severe Paranoia and Mental Problems: Mild Delusions.


Don't forget I've done Burt stats for Cinematic Unisystem, thought it was a few years ago so he doesn't have this quality.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Chicken Attack (LotFP)

Like my Shia LaBeouf post, this is more for the weird side of Lamentations of the Flame Princess and not so much the horrific aspect of the game.

"I can control all animals, but chickens are the best."

The Chicken Master 
Master Armor: 12,  HP: 15, Movement 120'1 fist (1d2), Morale 9

Little is known of the merciful man known as the Chicken Master. He claims that he can control all animals and that plants follow him as well. There is definitely something unhinged about him, which can be seen when he talks about chickens, but ultimately he is a champion of goodness. He's never seen without his loyal attack chicken.

Attack Chicken
Armor: 15,  HP: 30, Movement 150'/Climb 120'1 fist (1d10), Morale 12

Monday, February 13, 2017

Monstrous Monday - Demons of Docar (LotFP)

The Demons of Docar originally appeared in the public domain comic Blue Bolt Weird Tales #119.

Demons of Docar
Armor: 15,  HD: 3 (15 HP), Movement 120'2 claws (1d4) Morale 12

If destroyed, the demons will reform in the box in a day. The only way to permanently destroy the demons is to destroy the box.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Botchlings for SotDL

I've only had the Shadow of the Demon Lord book for a little over a week, but being me I've decided to try to make original content for it already. As I mentioned previously, I think the creatures of the Witcher universe would make great additions to SotDL. For that reason, my first statting attempt for the system is the botchling, which is from one of my favourite quests from The Witcher 3, Family Matters.

A botchling in natural form

"Saying a botchling's ugly is like saying shit's not particularly tasty: can't say it's a lie, but it doesn't exactly convey the whole truth, either."
-Lambert, witcher of the Wolf School
An angered botchling

A botchling is a small creature that looks like a really deformed fetus. It is created from the improper burial of a still born infants. They sap the strength of expectant mothers and when the mother is totally defenseless, they drain her blood (killing her and the unborn child). The creature then seeks vengeance on the parents that created it. They can magically track individuals of their bloodline. The only way to stop a botchling is to end it's life by violence or by performing a special elven naming ritual. This will turn the botchling into a lubberkin (a helpful spirit that will protect its family). When angered a botchling can grow to a man-sized humanoid, more capable of defending itself.

Difficulty 25
Size 1/2 frightening undead
Perception 13 (+3)
A lubberkin
Defense 8  Health 15
Strength 10  (+0) Agility 10  (+0) Intellect 8 (-2) Will 12 (+2)
Speed 6
Immune damage from cold, disease, poison, gaining insanity, charmed, dazed, deafened, diseased, fatigued, frightened, poisoned, stunned

Attack Options Grab +0 with 1 boon, target becomes grabbed until the end of the next turn.

Claws (melee) +3 (2d6), this attack can only be made when the botchling is transformed

Special Actions
Transform: When angered the botchling can take on a form more suitable for battle. In this form the botchlings Strength becomes 12 (+2) and it's Agility becomes 13 (+3). It's Defense also become 15 and it cane make claw attacks. Finally it's Size becomes 1 and it's Speed becomes 8.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Friday in Freeport - Pirate Robot

+Robert Schwalb has announced that Shadow of the Demon Lord is getting the Freeport treatment which is one of the (many) things persuaded me to pick up the game. I found this picture and it made me think of a swashbuckler with clockwork ancestry.

Pirate Robot by Angel Diaz

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Ash Wednesday - Giant Wasps (Stung)

Stung is a fun (and gross) comedic insect creature feature with Lance Henricksen.

Name: Mutant Wasp
Motivation: Sting
Critter Type: Mutant Insect
Attributes: Str 8, Dex 4, Con 4, Int 1, Per 3, Will 1
Ability Scores: Muscle 20, Combat 15, Brains 8
Life Points: 58
Drama Points: 5
Special Abilities: Attractiveness -10, Flight, Stinger
Name                   Score   Damage               Notes
Arial Maneuver       15        -                      Defense action while airborne
Dodge                     13         -                    Defense action
Sting                       15        16                  Slash/stab plus egg implant*

*Anytime a mutant wasp stings a person they must make a Constitution (doubled) roll. If failed the victim is implanted with a wasp egg. Unless removed the egg will hatch within a half hour, dealing 60 damage to its host as it rips its way out.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Shadow of the Demon Lord

Warning: Reading this book may cause temporary bouts of
insanity and lead to corruption.
I recently picked up Shadow of the Demon Lord and I have to say, I've not been this excited to run a game in a while. +Mark Craddock's posts over at Cross Planes were one of the big reasons I picked it up. Also the announcement that there would be a Freeport book for it may have further persuaded me.

  • The genre is fantasy/horror and it feels a lot like a mix Diablo/Warhammer Fantasy. 
  • This game is metal as Hell. There's a spell called "Hateful Defecation."
  • There's a bit of steampunk. You can play a clockwork creature.
  • Simple, but complete rules that are easy to pick up, especially if you've played D&D.
  • That being said the game has some interesting original concepts like short turn/long turn and bane/boon (which are similar to disadvantage and advantage, but there own thing).
  • There are lots of charts to create random everything. I think this gives the game a fun chaotic element and adds to the replay value.
  • You start the game a normal (read 0 level) person. You gain a level the end of each adventure. 
  • You don't pick a race, you choose an ancestry. This gives you your starting attributes and abilities. You also gain new things at higher levels for your ancestry. The ancestries are human, changeling, clockwork, dwarf, goblin, and orc.
  • Instead of classes, you choose paths as you level up. Your first path is novice and is taken at 1st level, at level 3 you choose an expert path, and at 7 you get to pick a master path.  Currently, level 10 is the max level.
  • The game is designed for shorter campaigns. With only 10 levels, most campaigns should only be 11 adventures long.
  • The bestiary is brutal. There are some familiar faces, but there are also some extra nasty beasts.
This is one of the good ones. You should definitely check it out. I have some plans for it. I think it'd be a great system to do some Witcher content for. It would also be a good system to do a Bloodborne game with. Hell now that I think about it, Bloodborne is basically a Shadow of the Demon Lord campaign in video game form.

This is one of my favourite illustrations. I just love goblins.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Monstrous Monday - The Dorset Monster (LotFP)

The Dorset Monster appeared in the now public domain comic, Haunted Thrills #17.

Dorset Monster
Armor: 15,  HD: 6 (32 HP), Movement 120'2 claws (1d4)/ 1 bite (1d6) or poison breath (1d2 constitution damage), Morale 9

The Dorset Monster is an ancient man-sized dragon used by ancient druids to defend the British Isles from invaders, such as the Romans. The creature tends to attack with its claws and fangs, savoring the carnage they cause. However, if pressed the Dorset Monster can also breath a gout of poisonous gas that will sap a man's fortitude. The creature itself is immune to all forms of poison (natural and magical). The creature is intelligent and free-willed, but can be bound with the proper incantation.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Friday, February 3, 2017

Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress - Anti-Kabane Weapons

Created by the Kabaneri steamsmith, Ikoma, the following weapons have been designed specifically to overcome a Kabane's unnatural defenses.

Tsuranuki Zutsu

This weapon was created to pierce the iron hearts of Kabane. It is essentially a high powered steam rivet gun that uses gunpowder to eject "jet bullets" with enough force to pierce the iron-covered heart of a Kabane. The gun must essentially be fired at point blank range to have any affect on Kabane.

The Tsuranuki Zutsu deals 20 Slash/Stab damage and ignores 5 points of armor.

Kabane Katana

The Kabane Katana is another anti-Kabane weapon forged by Ikoma. After Kurusu broke his katana attempting to pierce the heart of a Wazatori, Ikoma reforged the blade, coating it with iron from a Kabane's heart.

The katana does 4 X Strength Slash/Stab damage and ignores 5 points of Armor.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

The Witcher Fan Film

I love The Witcher. I've posted things related to the game several times.

This week Maul Cosplay and Erika Rodgers released an awesome Witcher 3 fan film.   

Pretty fantastic, right? My only (minor) nitpicks are that when they're first riding you don't see the big honkin' crossbow and also Geralt always has two swords (steel for humans, silver for monsters). That being said, I don't care because this was pretty f'ing sweet.

The Aiséiligh Tradition

The Witch: Aiseiligh Tradition is a full class (with tradition) for Swords & Wizardry Complete. It includes the base witch class, a tradition, and over 70 new spells.

100% of the proceeds for the pay-what-you-want pdf will be donated to the ACLU. Kudos to +Timothy Brannan for releasing a great project and giving the money to a worthy cause.