Saturday, September 30, 2017

Weird Weird West

This is kind of fun and I do love the weird west.

Friday, September 29, 2017

Zombie Squirrel Girl (Marvel Crawl Classics)

Zombie Squirrel Girl: Init +5, Atk Knuckle Spikes +4 melee (1d6+2) or bite (1d3 + infection);  AC 14; HD 6d6; HP 30; MV 10'/10' (climb); Act 1d20; SP hunger virus, infravision 60', control squirrels (and zombie squirrels) SP Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +2; AL C

Zombie Squirrel: Init +2, Atk bite (1 + infection);  AC 16; HD 1d6; HP 2; MV 7'/7' (climb); Act 1d14; SP hunger virus, infravision 60', SP Fort +1, Ref +4, Will -a; AL C

Pool Party Massacre

On of my old friends from school, Mark Justice, is doing his thing as an actor. Recently, he was in a "micro budget love letter to bother 80's slashers and the VHS tapes on which they often found there lasting home," called Pool Party Massacre. Here's the trailer:

It looks like a cheesy good time. I'm not expecting Citizen Kane, but it looks like it has blood, boobs, laughs, and gore and that's cool with me. They're screening it at the cinema back home and I already have my ticket. Expect a review and write-up of the the slasher using my upcoming release Slashers & Victims Light during the October Horror Movie challenge.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Yours To Keep

This week I found out that the Changeling 20th Anniversary book is available on OBS. I know it's probably been out for a bit, but I'm not super perceptive about some things. While I don't think I'll drop the cash for a full printed copy right now, I did spend a couple of bucks to get Yours To Keep: A Changeling The Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition Jumpstart. This book isn't anything that's not been done. It's a classic quickstart. We're presented with details about changelings and their society. We got some basic rules to play and an overview of faerie magic. Then we are introduced to the small shore town of Point Avalon and it's fae inhabitants. This is followed by an adventure and pregenerated characters.

This is the first official Changeling: The Dreaming material released in years and I'm pretty excited about the opportunity to dig into it. Just glancing I see some rules changes and expanded kith and magic, which is awesome.

Maybe I can finally get some folks to give Changeling a shot.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Light City - Doom Fist

I've talked about it before, but I love Overwatch. Most of my friends have stopped playing it, so I don't play it as much as I used to, but I still do for a few hours a week.  Today I'm statting the newest character, Doom Fist, for Light City.

Now it's time to combine settings. Doom Fist makes a great nemesis for Black Panther. He could even tangle or team up with T'challa's ancestor, Prince Mamuwalde (my head cannon). Setting wise, I don't imagine Numbani to be a part of Wakanda, but it's probably near it. I'm sure the Wakandans have an embassy there.

Doom Fist

"Only through conflict do we evolve."

Akanda Ogundimu was born into a highly respected Nigerian family and was the heir to a prosthetic-technology company. He fought in martial arts tournaments and sought to make himself and his company stronger. During the Omnic Crisis, he lost his right arm. His company created a cybernetic prosthetic that made him even stronger, but made him ineligible for competition.

He was recruited into Talon by the second Doom Fist as a mercenary. Eventually his plans proved to be more grandiose that the second Doom First. Akanda killed his leader and took the name for himself. Doom Fist now leads the villainous organization known as Talon and seeks revenge on those that have wronged him.

Real Name: Akande Ogundimu
First Appearance: Overwatch (2017)
AC 6 [13]      HD: 7+1    Attacks: Hand Cannon (1d6+1, range 30') or Rocket Punch (2d6) Move: 12/18 (Jump)

Once per day Doom Fist can use his fist to launch into the air and then crash into the ground, doing 3d6 damage to all targets in a 7 meter radius unless the target make a successful saving throw (which allows them to take half damage)

Monday, September 25, 2017

Light City - The Silver Lady

The Silver Lady

The folks of Light City are pretty open minded and the fact the host of the top rated local television show is from Venus is a testament to that. The beautiful Silver Lady, or Sil as she's known in Light City, is the most popular anchor in the tri-state area and her talk show, Silver, is watched by all.

The Silver Lady claims that Venus is a planet of peace and love, without weapons of war. Unknown to all, she's actually an agent of the Venusian government and the vanguard of a Venusian invasion. Recently though her attitude about her new home has changed and she has grown to like Earth the way it is. Soon her loyalties might be tested.

Real Name: Unknown
First Appearance: Space Adventures #42 (October 1961)
AC 9 [10]      HD: 2+1    Attacks: Punch (1) Move: 12

The Silver Lady can Charm Person an infinite number times per day but this can only affect living human men. She has limited telepathy and can communicate mentally with anyone within 30'. The Silver Lady can perform feats of mass hypnosis and suggestion over the air. Men in particular are susceptible to her mental abilities. 

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Double Mayhem Adventures Kickstarter

Missed out on +Mark Taormino's previous Kickstarters? Well now you have a chance to get updated versions of the first two Maximum Mayhem Dungeon adventures with his Double Mayhem Adventures Kickstarter. The major difference between the original printings and these is that the new versions you get through the Kickstarter feature updated artwork. Of the previewed pieces I have to say that my favourite is the updated Pinball Wizard from Maximum Mayhem Dungeons 2. The original was good, but the update is superb. I love the added detail and background.

The Hanging Coffins of the Vampire Queen and The Secret Machines of the Star Spawn are both a blast. If you want to add some crazy fun adventures to you collection, consider backing this project.

Succubus Sunday - Me! Me! Me!

Not going to go into the actual meaning behind these videos and things, but I've had the damn song stuck in my head for days and the video definitely depicts some succubus-like ladies.

Also if you want a cosplay version of the first part, here you go. 

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Winkies and Piranosaurs (Swords & Wizardry Light)

First Appearance: Space Adventures # 8 (Sept. 1953)
AC 9 [10]      HD: 1    Attacks: Bite (1d3) Move: 12

Winkies are adorable little quadrupeds that make excellent pets. Well they make great pets unless their population is left unchecked and they keep breeding. In great numbers winkies turn aggressive and can decimate entire colonies.

First Appearance: Space Adventures # 8 (Sept. 1953)
AC 6 [13]      HD: 4    Attacks: 2 Claws (1d3/1d3) or Bite (1d6) Move: 15

Piranosuar are flesh eating dinosaur like creatures native to asteroid known as Pharisees. Despite their sharp teeth and claws they aren't overly aggressive (unless someone disturbs their meal).

Friday, September 22, 2017

More Kirby Krackle

It's funny, just a few hours after I post Kirby Krackle videos they post another one. Enjoy their summer tribute, X-Men Pool Party.

Supers Inspiration - Kirby Krackle Edition

If you need some tunes to listen to while working on supers stuff, I highly recommend nerd rockers, Kirby Krackle. 

Thursday, September 21, 2017

October Project Announcement

I have two fun horror themed projects I'll be dropping on OBS next month. Let me know what you think of them in the comments.

Slashers and Victims Light
I had originally planned on doing a fully fleshed out White Box slasher game called Camp White Box. I think the name is great, but as several friends have pointed out, that's a lot of work for a game that will probably be used for one shots. I didn't let it fully die though (because nothing ever really dies). It will be in a format like the main Swords & Wizardry Light rules, only two pages when printed out. You'll need the core rules to play. There will only be one class, though characters can choose from perks and drawbacks to customize them. There will also be new setting specific equipment, rules about fear saves, and a selection of slashers, bystanders, and a few animals that haven't been covered in Light or Tome of Horrors Light. I've been working for the past few weeks on this and the first draft is done. I've let a couple of folks look at it and they liked it. It will drop on Friday the 13th.
Public Domain Monster Matinee 
(working title)
Honestly this one just came to me tonight while I was brainstorming for another Light City post. +Jonathan Linneman and I have done some fun stuff with public domain superheros, why not use other fun stuff in the public domain. My thoughts for this one is that I'll give a brief (probably paragraph description of the movie) and then stat out some npc's and monsters from them. Since I love Swords & Wizardry Light, that's what I'm going to use for this one too. That means the contents can be used for traditional Swords & Wizardry Light, Light City, and Slashers and Victims Light. Here are the movies I'm probably going to draw from:  White Zombie, The Devil Bat, Night of the Living Dead, Hunchback of Notre Dame (Universal), Indestructible Man, The Last Man on Earth, The Phantom of the Opera (Universal), Little Shop of Horrors (Corman), Teenagers from Outer Space, and Manos: Hands of Fate. I'm not sure of the release date, but it will be on or before Halloween.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Light City - Book Worm

Book Worm is a silly villain that would be at home in the Kingdom of Crime.

Book Worm

A. Bookworm is a rare-book thief who lives in Light City. His first true caper involved stealing first editions of Treasure Island in hopes of finding Long John Silver's booty. He was successful in finding it though in the end he got into a shoot out with a pirate named "Long John." Though initially thought dead, he survived and moved back to Light City. He's kept a low profile though recently Veda of the Kingdom of Crime has made inroads of recruiting him into the kingdom.

Real Name: Alfred Bookworm
First Appearance: Top-Notch Laugh Comics (October 1940)
AC 9 [10]      HD: 3    Attacks: Iron Book (1d6) or Pistol (1d6+1, range 50') Move: 12

Book Worm has many booby-trapped books including:

Poisoned Pages (consumable): Anyone handling the pages of this book without gloves must make saving throw or die.

Exploding Book (consumable): When the timer of this book goes off or the detonator is pressed, it explodes doing 3d6 damage to everyone without 10'.

Ash Wednesday - CarnEvil

CarnEvil is a rail shooter arcade game that was released back in 1998. The gameplay was very similar to House of the Dead, but the game was much cooler stylistically. First of all the guns were shotguns that you could cock to reload and second instead of a mansion and zombies, you shot your way through a haunted amusement park. This game introduced me to Krampus and the main villain had the perfect pun name: Ludwig von Tökkentäkker. One summer in high school my friends, Wirty, Chad, and Josh, spent many quarters playing this game from beginning to end at the county fair. 

Check out the intro:

I'm talking about this for Ash Wednesday because I think CarnEvil makes a great premise for an Army of Darkness episode or two. The characters or someone around them drop a token into Ludwig's grave and the carnival rises. I mean it's obvious that Ludwig dabbled in black magic, why can't that black magic be from the Necronomicon? Also, his disembodied head sidekick, Umlaut, basically already has stats in Army of Darkness (via Evil Ash's head in the Once More Unto the Breach adventure).

Monday, September 18, 2017

Light City Goes West?

I love supers and and love westerns. I can't be alone in this right? Chuck Dixon's Justice Riders is one of my favourite Elseworlds stories. While working on Light City content I've discovered something. There are a plethora of western comic book characters in the public domain. Some of these characters just random lawmen and outlaws, but there's some really cool stuff out there too. I think Dr. Chuda, Iron Mask, Six-Gun Gorilla, and Lobo all need some love on at the gaming table.

Would there be any interest in some supers based weird west Swords & Wizardry Light stuff? I'll probably keep it in the Light City Multiverse. Also if that's the case, should their be a gunslinger/western hero class to join the ranks of the brawler, elemental, amazon, super-pet (perfect for all of the wonder horses), and sidekick? If this sounds cool to you any and all feedback would be appreciated.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Tomb of Annihilation Character Sheet

If you've planning on paying Tomb of Annihilation you should really considering using this great character sheet created by Adam Thaxton for the Dungeon Masters Guild.

This sheet has the same layout as a typical 5e sheet, but has a tribal look. For me that makes it much easier to use than some custom sheets (though don't get me wrong I love custom character sheets). You can download the full-size pay what you want version here.

Friday, September 15, 2017

The Tortle Package

Today, Wizard's dropped the Tortle Package. It's a special pdf supplement for Tomb of Annihilation. All money that WotC earn from its sales go to their Extra Life charity.
The pdf clocks in at 28 pages. It includes information about tortles, pc stats for them, as well as more information about the Snout of Omgar, an island (formerly a peninsula) of Chult that the tortles reside on. We're presented with information about a tortle fort, Ahoyhoy, as well as an old temple to Umberlee, the Bitch Queen. The last of the new content is monster stats for the decapus, geonid, topi, tortle, and tortle druid. The pdf ends with handouts about three tortle guides mentioned in the pdf, a picture of a holy symbol of Umberlee, and unmarked maps of the islands and locations.

Is this a must have? Absolutely not. However, the money goes to a good cause and it's still a really cool pdf. If/when I run Tomb of Annihilation, I'm definitely using this supplement. You can grab the Tortle Package here for 9.99. 

My Gen Con Haul

I didn't go to Gen Con, but the amazing +David Coppoletti did. He picked up some goodies for me.

Dave picked up these two adventures and the Lamentations catalog for me. I'll do reviews of the books after I've read them.
More really cool swag he grabbed for me. I love weird west stuff, so even though I didn't know what Dark Trails was before today, I'm happy. Also , the DCC bookmark is a character sheet.
This is not technically from Gen Con, but it was in the Gen Con package he sent me. This is a trade we made for a Thing clix that he wanted. 
Okay these definitely aren't from Gen Con, but they came in this week and I love them. If you want Light City stats for the Wolverine, check out this post, and if you want to include the Marvel Zombies virus in your Mutant Crawl Classics/Dungeon Crawl Classics game check out this post.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Light City - Betty Bates, Lady-at-Law

Light City needs a tough as nails female attorney. I think that makes Betty Bates a perfect supporting character. 

Betty Bates, Lady-at-Law

Betty Bates is one of the top prosecuting attorneys in Light City. She has focused her career and taking down gangsters. This has recently earned her the ire of King Killer and his Kingdom of Crime. However, she's no mere damsel in distress. Betty is a resourceful detective, tough-as-nails brawler, is skilled in jiu-jitsu, and knows how to use a pistol. She has a healthy respect for costumed heroes (as long as they don't use lethal force) and will lend aid when she can.

Real Name: Betty Bates
First Appearance: Hit Comics #3 (October 1940)
AC 9 [10]      HD: 3    Attacks: Punch (1d6-1) or Pistol (1d6+1, range 50') Move: 12

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Christine Music Video

If you're a John Carpenter fan like me, you should check out this out. It's the theme for Christine with a fresh new video directed by the master, himself.

Light City - Pin-Up Pete

You can read Pin-Up Pete #1 here. What is Project Second Chance? I'll be posting more about it in the near future.

Pin-Up Pete

Level 3 Fighter

Real Name: Pete Lane
First Appearance: Monty Hall of the U.S. Marines #1
Str 15 (+1)    Int 12
Dex 15 (+1)  Wis 11
Con 14          Cha 17 (+1)
3 HD (15 HP) Save: 14 Movement: 12
AC 8 [11] (Dex)
Attacks: Combat Knife (+3 to hit, 1d6 dmg) or Pistol (+3, 1d6+1, range 50')
Other: 3 attacks against foes of 1 HD or fewer. +1 on Saving Throws vs. death and poisons.

"Pin-Up" Pete Lang is an American GI that has courted lovely ladies from Shanghai to St. Louis. As he readily confesses, his name is synonymous with full moons, romances, sighs, and broken hearts. Still despite his GI Casanova reputation, Pete is a fine soldier and officer. It's because of his skills and charisma that he was chosen to lead the men and women of Project Second Chance.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Banjo! Banjo! Banjo!

Rob Scallion released another banjo rock cover the other day and as always it makes me think of the Shudder Mountains. It also reminded me of my neglected Portsmaw setting.

I might slow down on my Light City work for a bit and give Portsmaw more attention. Well first I have a special release I'm working on for Friday the 13th/Halloween, but when it's ready, I'll hope on a boat and return to Portsmaw.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Light City - Hellcow

This is my third time statting out the Hellcow. You can check out Mutants and Masterminds 3e stats here and 5th Edition D&D stats here. Also, I know I've posted a lot of vampire stats for Light City. I've done Prince Mamuwalde, vampire Wolverine, and The League of Vampires. This will be my last Light City vampire post for a while.... probably.


Real Name: Bessie
First Appearance: Giant-Size Man-Thing #5 (1975)
AC 7 [12]      HD: 5+2    Attacks:  Gore (1d6+1) or Bite (1d6-1, see below)   Special: see below    Move: 12/15 (flying)

Because of her vampirism, Bessie is essentially immortal. She is immune to non-magic attacks (unless said attack is from a silver item or a wooden stake through the heart). Bessie regenerates 5 HP every round.  She takes 10 points of damage a round when in direct contact with the sun. Holy water can harm her and she can be held at bay with holy symbols. She can be killed if a wooden stake is driven into her heart AND decapitating her or by direct sunlight.

Anyone killed by Bessie's bite will rise as a vampire in three days. Being undead, she can be resurrected via certain black magics.

Dracula Cape (Rare)
This magical cape, worn by Bessie, can transform into a large pair of leathery bat wings, granting the wearer a fly speed of 15'.

Hellcow Milk (Consumable)
Bessie's milk has healing properties. A glass can heal a character 2d6 hit points. It also acts a panacea for most diseases, including cancer. It must be drank regularly for this affect and eventually it loses it's effectiveness.

Monstrous Monday - Hunger Virus (Marvel Crawl Classics)

Hello apocalyptic true believers,

At some point everyone experiences hunger in the wastelands, just pray you never experience the Hunger Virus.

Hunger Virus

The Hunger Contagion is a zombie virus that passes via the bite of the infected. Those affected by the virus become zombies with an uncontrollable drive to eat flesh. They retain their intelligence, abilities, and personality. The hunger affects the zombies self control. The hungrier they are, the less rational they act. When the zombies hunger is satiated, their personalities reemerge and more humane and moral individuals often feel guilt for their action.

The disease is 100% infections. Once bitten a person becomes a zombie in minutes. Accelerated healing, such as regeneration, can slow the process, causing it to take hours.

The zombie's hunger is entirely mental. They gain no nourishment from feasting on flesh. If forced to go cold turkey and isolated for a few weeks, the craving disappear and the zombie is fully in control of itself.

Game Effects
Once bitten an infected individual has 2d10 rounds before they become a zombie with an uncontrollable hunger. Once this happens they become undead. They retain all of their abilities, though clerics may find their gods no longer hear their prayers. Reduce their AC by 2, Reflex save by 2 and their movement by 5. and  If reduced to zero HP they are just considered to be dismembered. If their heads/brains aren't totally destroyed they are still conscious and can bite and infect others. If deprived of flesh for two weeks and placed in an isolation suit, the zombie regains their wits. However if the suit is breached and they are exposed to flesh they must make a DC 15 will save every round or try relapse into their flesh eating ways.


Zombie Howard the Duck: Init +3, Atk Quak-Fu +4 melee (1d6) or sword +4 (1d8) or bite (1d3 + infection);  AC 12; HD 5d6; HP 24; MV 15'; Act 1d20; SP hunger, virus, infravision 60' SP Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +2; AL C

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Goblin Markets (5E)

Kobold Quarterly has a new literature inspired 5e article. Of Magic & Monsters: Variant Goblins from English Poetry is quite delightful and takes lines from one of feminist pre-Romantic poet, Christina Georgina, and creates some interesting variants to an often used D&D staple, the goblin.

Other Literary 5E articles in the series:

Succubus Sunday

Here's a variation of my new favourite succubus picture (which can be seen here).

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Tomb of Ixalan

I think it's little coincidence and Magic: The Gathering's next set, Ixalan, has dinosaurs and jungles. With Tomb of Annihilation dropping soon (or already if you're a premier store), Wizards is hitting up with a double dose of lost world fantasy. I also hope (and think) this mean we'll get a Planeshift: Ixalan.  

Light City Foes: Cerebex Available Now

The latest Light City Foes is available and it features Cerebex. He's way more powerful than anything I've done with Light and is a campaign ender or beginner if you want a game to start in the aftermath of his conquest.

Grab the free pdf, Light City Foes: Cerebex, here.

Friday, September 8, 2017

Light City - inFamous

Cole MacGrath is the hero and (spoiler alert) villain of inFamous. Recently, I've had the urge to play the games again and since I've been doing a bunch of Light City stuff I thought I'd stat Cole and Kessler for Light City.

Cole MacGrath 

Level 7 Elemental

Real Name: Cole MacGrath
First Appearance: inFamous
Str 11            Int 10
Dex 15 (+1)  Wis 10
Con 12          Cha 10
5 HD (21 HP) Save:Movement: 12/48 (Fly)
AC 6 [13] (dex, electric aura, negated by water)
Attacks: Alpha Bolt, +3 to hit, 1d6+1 electric damage, range 60'
Elemental Powers: Elemental Shield, Radial Blast, Light I, Knock

Real Name: Cole MacGrath
First Appearance: inFamous
AC 5 [14]      HD: 7    Attacks:  Electric Strike (1d6+4 electric) Move: 12/48 (Fly) Special: Light I, Magic Missile 7/day, Sleep 1/day

Thursday, September 7, 2017

October Horror Movie Challenge List (1st Draft)

Here's my proposed list for the October Horror Movie Challenge. I know it's going to change and evolve, but it looks like a decent start to me.

New to Me

  1. Cult of Chucky (2017)
  2. Train to Busan (2015)
  3. It Stains The Sand Red (2015)
  4. Raw (2016)
  5. Abbatoir (2016)
  6. Tank 432 (2016)
  7. When Animals Dream (2014)
  8. Uncaged (2016)
  9. Little Evil (2017)
  10. We Are What We Are (2013)
  11.  It (2017)
  12. Man Vs (2015)
  13. 31 (2016)
  14. Blood Punch (2013)
  15. Vampire Journals (1997)
  16. Subspecies II (1993)
  17. Subspecies III (1994)
  18. Clown (2014)
  19. Viral (2016)
  20. Green Inferno (2016)
  21. Halloween (2007)
  22. Bloodrunners (2017)
  23. Happy Death Day (2017)
  24. Better Watch Out (2017)
  25. Belko Experiment (2016)
  1. Trick'r'Treat (2007)
  2. Tales of Halloween (2015)
  3. Halloween III: Season of the Witch
  4. Subspecies (1991)
  5. Near Dark (1987)
  6. The Loved Ones (2009)
  7. Friday the 13th (2009)
  8. Night of the Lepus (1972)