Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Z is for Zuggtmoy

Zuggtmoy is the Demon Queen of Fungi. She shares a layer of the Abyss with Jubilex, the Faceless Lord of Slimes and Oozes. She built the Temple of Elemental Evil with her ally (and possible lover) Iuz.

While she's not my favorite demon lord, I've always had a soft spot for her. Though she's chaotic and evil, her domain includes natural elements. Introducing a group of corrupt druids that worship her could be interesting.

Another reason I love Zuggtmoy is that she gives me the perfect excuse to use myconids. I mentioned my love for the shrooms when I did the 30 Day D&D Challenge.

If you'd like to include her into a campaign, you can find some useful inspiration from Magic the Gathering's Golgari Swarm. This green/black guild from the Ravnica and Return to Ravnica blocks was made up of necromancer/druids that practiced rot farming and saw life and death as natural. If you'd like to use Zuggtmoy as a dark nature patron, you could take this route.

I didn't want to stat Zuggtmoy herself, so I decided to stat one of her assassins on the prime material plane, the evil myconid known as Deathcap.
Deathcap, Zuggtmoy's Rotting Blade 

Little is known about the myconid known as Deathcap. He speaks no languages, but understands all, thanks to the blessing of his goddess. An outcast from his tribe, the mushroom man travels the dark paths, spreading the gospel of his Zuggtmoy, one painful death at a time.

Armor Class: 4
Hit Dice: 3
HP: 20
Move: 120' (40')
Attacks: Canker
Damage: 2-7
Save As: Fighter 3
Morale: 11
Alignment: Chaotic

Deathcap is immune to poison, sleep, and paralysis.

Deathcap's natural form allows him to blend in to caverns and areas of heavy vegetation. If standing perfectly still he is considered to be invisible.

Once per day Deathcap can make a spore attack. This attack automatically hits all living creatures in a 20 foot radius around him. Each individual must make a Saving Throw vs Death-Ray/Poison. If they fail this saving throw, they are affected by one of the following effects (determined by rolling a d6, caster level is considered to be three): 1 - Cause Fear 2 -Cause Light Wounds 3 -Blight 4 - Hold Person - 5 - Cause Disease 6 - Confusion

He wields the magic longsword +1, Canker, gifted to him by Zuggtmoy herself. The blade is rusty and fungus covered, but sharper than steel. It reeks of mildew and old blood. Those hit by the blade must make a Saving Throw vs Death-Ray/Poison or be infested with fungi and molds. This infection causes the victim to lose 1-4 points of charisma until the infestation has been cleared via a Cure Disease spell.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Y is for the Yellow Sign

This post title should look familiar. It's the same title as my Y post last year. Last year I mentioned the Yellow Sign in context of the World of Darkness. This year any stats will be OSR.

Sunday I asked my friends what I should write about. I said I was leaning towards yeti, yaun-ti or the Yellow Sign. My near immediate response from my pal Devan was, "You know you're gonna go with Yellow Sign. Don't even kid yourself. xD." He's right though, I'm obsessed. This really is unintentional irony. I just really like the Yellow Sign, Hastur, and the King in Yellow. Not sure why, it's just my thing.

Hastur/The King in Yellow/The Unspeakable One is an elder god of the Cthulhu Mythos, though he was originally created by Robert Chambers. Unlike the other mythos gods (with the exception of Nyarlathotep) who are normally above the concepts of right and wrong, Hastur is actually an evil being. He tends to influence creative types.

Perhaps you'll hear the whispers of the King in Yellow, because Y is for Yellow Sign...

Madame Marovia
The acrobatic wonder, Madam Marovia, is a talented artist and darling among the cities social scene. While she rubs elbows with the upper class nobility  she is beloved by the common folk as well. Madame Marovia is a philanthropist and donates much of her time and wealth to helping the poor. 

Unbeknownst to the general population she is also a psychopath and worshiper of the Unspeakable One. She is the serial killer known as the Massacre Girl. She stalks the rooftops at night killing without mercy. Her favorite targets are false prophets (clergy of any church other than Hastur's), though truthfully she takes sadistic glee in all killings. She delights in leaving the Yellow Sign in random places amongst the city. For now her killings are primarily for pleasure, but her king has taken notice and soon will use her to enact his dark plans. 

Madame Marovia
Armor Class: 9
Hit Dice: 4
HP: 25
Move: 120' (40')
Attacks: Fallen Star/Fallen Star
Damage: 3-8/3-8
Save As: Thief 4
Morale: 9
Alignment: Chaotic

Madame Marovia has the following Thief abilities: Open Locks 30, Remove Traps 25, Pick Pockets 35, Move Silently 35, Climb Sheer Surfaces 90, Hide in Shadows 25, Hear Noise 1-3. She also gains a +4 to attack and deals double damage when striking unnoticed.  If using Lamentations of the Flame Princess, assume she has the following Specialist abilities: Architecture (1 in 6), Bushcraft (1 in 6), Climb (3 in 6), Search (2 in 6), Sleight of Hand (1 in 6), Sneak Attack (3 in 6), Stealth (3 in 6), Tinker (2 in 6).

Madame Marovia cast the following Magic-User/Elf spells each day: Ventriloquism (X3), Phantasmal Force (X2).

In combat Madame Marovia the Fallen Stars, two star wickedly curved star blades. These weapons have a plus two bonus and on an attack roll of 13 the weapons gain a charge. On a roll of 20 the weapon releases its charged enemy against the target. On a roll of 1 the weapon releases its charged energy towards their wielder. Each charge deals 1 point of damage.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Mastermind Monday - Nymphetamine

Mastermindmind Monday is back  (after a brief hiatus) and today I give you a wild card in the New Punvese, the beautiful and sometimes villainous Nymphetamine. 

In the metahuman community, nearly everyone knows about No Capes. Located in a pocket dimension, the club serves as neutral ground for the heroes and villains of the world. Perhaps even more famous than the club, is it's beautiful owner, Nymphetamine.

No one knows her true name or age, but the mutant vixen known as Nymphetamine has been active since the mid sixties. Originally a villain, she used her powers to excite sexual desire in others to amass a small fortune. Eventually deciding the life of a villain was too dangerous, she decided to convert her "summer home," a pocket dimension gifted to her by her former lover Doctor Phobos into a night club for metahumans. 

Though she is a mutant and has no supernatural powers, Nymphetamine is often accompanied by troupe of succubi minions. The creatures seem to be attracted to her sexual energy. These ladies often run her clubs and various legitimate businesses. 

She has made several allies and several enemies among the metahuman population. She's recently take interest in her former foe, Wandering Nephilim's son, Kid Nephilim. She sometimes comes into conflict with Devilfish, when the aquatic gangster tries to get is fins into her business. 

Nymphetamine - PL 10

Strength 2, Stamina 6, Agility 6, Dexterity 6, Fighting 5, Intellect 4, Awareness 6, Presence 10

Benefit (Wealth) 4, Attractive 2, Defensive Roll 4, Improved Initiative


Acrobatics 4 (+10), Deception 6 (+16), Expertise: Criminal 10 (+14), Expertise: Streetwise 10 (+14), Expertise: Current Events 10 (+14) Insight 10 (+16), Investigation 10 (+14), Persuasion 6 (+16)


Immortal (1 Points): Immunity: Aging

Love Me (12 Points): Affliction 12 [Resisted by Will: Dazed, Stunned, Controlled] 


Initiative +10
Unarmed +5, Damage 2


Queen of Lust: While most of the time she is a legitimate business woman, Nymphetamine is seen as a debauched harlot and corrupter of the innocent. 

Jilted Lovers: Nymphetamine has several former lovers among the superhero and super villain community that would like nothing better than to see her fall. 

Languages:  English

Dodge 10, Parry 10, Fortitude 10, Toughness 10/6, Will 10

Power Points
90 Abilities + 13 Powers +  11 Advantages + 33 Skills (66 Ranks) + 17 Defenses= 164

X is for Xaositect

"Pomegranate... Lets see 'em use that against me!" - Kisuke the Xaositect's reply to a Hardhead telling him that anything he says can and will be used against him in a court of law.

If you're familiar with the Planescape, then you know of the Xaositect. The planes are full of factions that
believe the understand the true meaning of the multiverse. For the Xaositects, chaos is the meaning (or the lack of meaning as the case may be). The universe is chaotic and unpredictable, but there is a beauty and comfort that can be found in that. Chaos isn't good or evil, chaos is just chaos. Unsurprisingly this group has ties to the plane of Limbo.

Occasionally denizens of the prime take up the philosphy, like Rathi, the elvish berserker and follower of Xaos.

Rathi, Elven Xaositect
"Xaositect warriors I can handle - they're as crazed as any barbarian. It's the Xaositect mages that scare me." - Prime Mage.

When most think of elves, they think of solemn and aloof guardians of nature. Rathi is most assuredly not what they picture. Once a sickly and quiet child, Rathi's life was changed one day as he drank from an enchanted stream. Unbeknownst to the young elf, the water flowed from the plane of Limbo. The water revitalized the elf's body and tainted his mind. Instead of returning home, he chose to pursue his own path and see the world (and eventually the multiverse). During his travels he's learned of the Xaositects and their beliefs. He has taken their teachings to heart (as they already align with his broken mind).

Despite his chaotic alignment and violent tendencies, Rathi isn't immediately hostile. However, those that espouse the tenants or law and order are quick to taste his blade (or best his fist).

Rathi, Elven Xaositect
Armor Class: 7
Hit Dice: 8
HP: 45
Move: 90' (30')
Attacks: Sword +1/Sword +1 or by Spell
Damage: 2-7/2-7 or by Spell
Save As: Elf 8
Morale: 11
Alignment: Chaotic

Rathi casts spells as a 8th level Elf. He usually has the following spells memorized: Boneless, Magic Missile (X2), Bone Spur, Armored Core (X2), Knit the Flesh, Fireball, Confusion

Boneless, Bone Spur, Armored Core, and Knit the Flesh are described in this post.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

W is for Wemic

W was a hard one to come up with. My immediate thought was to post about witches, wizards, and warlocks. However, I wanted to do something about more weird.

For those of you unfamiliar with wemics, they are basically lion centaurs. They are primitive warriors that have a shamanistic culture. My friend who introduced me to D&D, Chad, really liked wemics, or maybe it was his older brother. Either way, the pair had The Complete Book of Humanoids and while I thought they kind of looked silly, I learned to like wemics at an early gamer age.

Outside of monster entries, I've not really seen wemics discussed often. They appear in a few Forgotten Realms sourcebooks, but to the best of my knowledge, that's it.

Prepare for the hunt, grab your shield and spear, because W is for Wemic...


While most wemics of the grasslands are elusive (if not a bit xenophobic), the warrior Pakagado actively seeks out outsiders. While most of his people people are content with their simple shamanistic ways, Paka (as he likes to be called) is extremely curious about technology and the ways of more "civilized" folk. It is for this reason that he hires himself as a hunter, guide, and mercenary. Having little value for gold or wealth, he accepts payment in forged weapons, minor magic items, and other gear. He will also take payment in the form of training in fighting styles and battle tactics. His ultimate goal for doing so is to gather his people into one unified pride and establish himself as the true master of his land.

Pakagado may ally with party members, but his mercenary ways may just as easily see him aligned with their enemies.

Armor Class: 6
Hit Dice: 5
HP: 40
Move: 150' (50')
Attacks: 2 Claws/1 Weapon or Charge
Damage: 2-5/2-5/Weapon or 2-12+Special
Save As: Fighter 3
Morale: 9
Alignment: Neutral

If Pakagodo is able to charge (move at least his full speed) and attack he may knock someone prone on a  successful hit (Saving Throw vs Turn to Stone or Paralysis prevents this.)

Friday, April 25, 2014

V is for Vampire

I know those of you that have been reading my posts are really "surprised" by this post. Yup, more undead, that's just how I roll. I've written about vampires quite a bit on here. Last year I participated in the Vampire Bite Blog Hop. You can read my post here. If you've ever wanted to play a vampire in any edition of D&D, check it out. I've collected my past vampire posts here. Instead of an npc (do I really need to post another undead npc, probably not right now), I give you a couple of spells (which I've nicknamed Tru Blood) and the stats for the defanged, poor vampire wretches I've mentioned before.

Get your stake read, V is for Vampire...

New Spells

Blood to Wine I
1st Level Magic-User and Elf Spell
Range 0
Duration: Permanent

The caster mixes a small amount of his blood (at least 1 HP worth) with a glass of wine. He then says a quick prayer to the Sanguine Lords. Upon completion of the spell, the wine in the glass in transformed into blood. Note, due tot he material component of this spell, the caster must be alive.

Blood to Wine II
3rd Level Magic-User and Elf Spell
Range 0
Duration: Permanent

As per Blood to Wine I, except there is no blood requirement and the spell can affect a bottle of wine, instead of merely a glass.

The "defanged" are vampires that are captured by the Midnight Society and used for training Midnight Duelists. The vampires have been whipped, defanged, and secured with various things harmful to vampires (such as garlic and holy symbols). 

AC: 4, HD: 2d12, HP 16, #AT: 1 D: 1d8+2, MV 120' (40'), 180' (60'), SV: F2, ML: 10, AL: N or C
Equipment: Wooden Sword

Defanged vampires have some of the abilities of their free bretheren. They are immune to sleep, charm, and hold spells. In addition they are immune to poison, have darkvision, and have 99% Move Silently. Finally they regenerate 1 HP a round.

However, like other vampires, the Defanged have several weaknesses. They can be turned as Ghouls (2 HD), sunlight will destroy them, they must be invited into a home, and they are repelled by a strongly presented holy symbol. 

Thursday, April 24, 2014

U is for Undead

I talk about my love of undead all the time on this blog. They're just cool. This month alone I've posted stats for undead creatures here, here, and here.  One undead creature that I always thought was cool, but never used was the Spawn of Kyuss. Kyuss is the worm god. His spawn are undead abominations that are filled with necromantic worms. These worms infect living creatures and turn them into spawn. Paizo had a really cool adventure path based around them, The Age of Worms.

If you're wondering why I don't use them it is because I don't typically like save or die effects. I know I'm writing old school stuff, but I've just never been a fan.

Krast, Mage of Kyuss

The half-undead wizard known as Krast wasn't always a loathsome creature. His early days were spent adventuring. His life was changed when he and his party encountered a forgotten shrine to the Worm God. Only he and the party's warrior, Castellen, survived the encounter. While Castellen retired from adventuring and tried to put the encounter behind him, Krast became obsessed with the curious green worms and their affects on the living. Through research from various forbidden tomes he has begun the long and arduous process of becoming a Worm the Walks.

Krast, Mage of Kyuss
Armor Class: 7
Hit Dice: 10
HP: 40
Move: 90' (30')
Attacks: Staff or Necrotic Ray
Damage: As Staff (plus special) or 1-4 (ranged)
Save As: Magic-User 10
Morale: 10
Alignment: Chaotic

Krast casts spells as a 10th level Magic-User. He usually has the following spells memorized: Magic Missile (X2), Sleep, Web, Detect Invisibility, Phantasmal Force, Necrotic Bolt (X3, treat as lightning bolt, but damage is negative energy instead of electricity), Dimension Door, Polymorph Other, Wall of Ice, Animate Dead, Cloudkill

While technically living, Krast has many traits similiar to undead. He is immune to sleep, charm, and hold spells. He cannot be turned.

Any living creature hit by Krast's vile staff must make a Saving Throw vs Death Ray/Poison or die and become a Spawn of Kyuss.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

T is for Torch Boy

Hirelings, they come in all shapes and varieties. Some don't last long, yet others through cowardice, luck, or sheer will manage to stick around. Guides are needed to trek through wild lands, as are henchman to haul around loot. And let us not forget the humble torchbearer. When you're packing around a broadsword and heavy shield, someone needs to hold the torch (or lightning rod) for you.

(Imitates Arthur from Army of Darkness) T is for Torch Boy!!!!!

Miles Osgood

Miles was once a normal boy. He had loving parents and a normal farm life. This was before his family was brutally killed by werewolves in the service of a vampire noble. He was saved by a member of the Midnight Society (and secretly Sir Wellem).

He spent a few years studying with the society before deciding to hire himself out as a henchman. His fighting abilities are sub par, but he is a repository of monster lore. Despite the misfortune he's suffered, Miles is also a good luck charm (some speculate that he's been blessed by the gods).

Miles Osgood, Torch Boy
Armor Class: 9
Hit Dice: 1
HP: 4
Move: 60' (20')
Attacks: Dagger or Wooden Stake
Damage: 1d4
Save As: Thief 1
Morale: 9
Alignment: Lawful

Allies within 20' receive a +1 bonus on their saving throw roll. In addition, having studied with the Midnight Society has given him extensive monster lore. He knows the weaknesses of lycanthropes, as well as common undead and demons. He has a 15% to know the weakness of a given monster.

S is for Satyr

Satyrs are the life of the party. They are often considered the male equivalent to dryads (or potentially nymphs). Unlike those beauteous fae, they're not particularly pretty. Still they have their charms (literally when you take their pipe ability into account).

Prepare to drink and sing, because S is for Satyr...

Theron of the Clovenflame
"Any festival you can walk way from wasn't worth attending in the first place."

To those that have met him, the satyr reveler Theron is often seen as a force of nature. To be fair to nature, there are natural disasters that are less destructive. The middle age satyr spends his days drinking, playing music, and just generally partying.

Theron is friends with Lem Tealeaf and has been known to adventure alongside is drinking buddy. He is a crack shot with his bow. Those that can keep up with his hedonistic nature can find him to be a loyal (though undependable) ally.

Armor Class: 6
Hit Dice: 3
HP: 15
Move: 120' (40')
Attacks: Horns or Bow
Damage: 1-6 or as bow
Save As: Fighter 3
Morale: 8
Alignment: Neutral

When playing his pipes, Theron can cast Charm Person. He can only attempt this once per day on a person. There is an additional catch, the person must have shared a drink with Theron.

Q and R are for the Rat Queens


There I said it.

I saw this random panel on Tumblr and immediately knew I'd love the series. 
Hands down, it is my favorite comic of the last few years (though I will say that Saga is exceptional too). I've previously mentioned the Queens here. The series is a darkly humorous and violent fantasy series with modern aesthetic.

If you don't mind vulgar language (often of a sexual nature) and drug references mixed with your swords and sorcery, then Rat Queens is the series for you. The first five issues are available int he collection, Sass and Sorcery.

If you want to know more about the Queens then you can preview it here, check out the official Facebook page here, and buy merch here. I wanted to post some crunch about the comic, but I've decided to do it another time. I may even do a Rat Queens week, in which I stat the ladies out in different systems.

I'll leave you with a track released by one of my favorite rappers, Adam WarRock, last week.

Friday, April 18, 2014

P is for Paladin

Next to bards, I feel paladins have the worst rep. However, unlike bards paladins tend to be loathed for their alignment and roleplaying restrictions, not lack of use. Paladins are champions of righteous violence. Many player's don't like having to play lawful good. Further than that I've heard the term "lawful stupid" used quite a bit with paladins. Personally, I find the class interesting. I never got to play one though (I tend to be a part of parties that I would classify as CN).

Sharpen your holy blade and say your prayers, P is for Paladin...

Ser Willem of Langton

Sir Willem's tale is a sad one. A squire in the Midnight Society, Willem was once a noble warrior destined for greatness. During an early mission he was sent out with a few senior brothers to clear out a graveyard infested with zombies. Upon arrive the group quickly realized they'd been misinformed (and were ill prepared). Instead of zombies, a pack of intelligent ghouls  had claimed the cemetery as their own. Willem was paralyzed early in the confrontation and watched helplessly as his brothers and sisters were devoured. Through some miracle (or curse depending on whom you ask), Willem was eventually able to overcome his paralysis and escape. However, his injuries were severe and he passed. The darkness of the ghouls infected him though and instead of passing to the realms of light, he was reborn (or is it unborn) as a ghoul. Instead of being broken by the experience, Willem kept enough of his self to focus his unholy hungers. He still considers himself a warrior of light (cursed as he is) and uses his new form to punish evil and destroy other undead (such as Lydia and Valérie).

Ser Willem
Armor Class: 3
Hit Dice: 5
HP: 40
Move: 90' (30')
Attacks: 2 Claws/1 Bite or Weapon
Damage: 1-3(all) + special or Weapon
Save As: Fighter 5
Morale: 10
Alignment: Neutral

Ser Willem is undead, which grants him immunity to sleep, charm, and hold spells. In addition, he has the paralyzing touch typical of ghouls.

I managed to go the Succubus Sunday post together and scheduled. I'm going out of town in a bit  for a funeral and won't be back on a computer until Tuesday. For this reason Q and R (which will be for Rat Queens) will be late. In addition, I won't have a Mastermind Monday post next week. 

O is for Osteomancer

The Osteomancer is a 3rd era prestige class that appeared in the March 2004 issue of Dragon Magazine. While the idea of a bone mage seems like necromany it's actually a specialized version of transmutation magic. These hearty mages manipulate there core (as they call their skeletons). They can extend and retract bone spurs to create armor or natural weapons.  I never got to play one, but I always loved the idea. It reminded me of Spyke and Marrow from the X-Men.

(insert juvenile quote about boners) because O is for Osteomancer...

Osteomancer by Pyridoxine 
Jack the Osteomancer

The capricious wizard, Jack is a practitioner of the rare school of magic known as Osteomancy. A student of Raid's father, Jack is anything but your typical spellslinger. He travels the world and seeking new transmutation spells. While most view the arcane arts as a mental pursuit, to Jack sees it as a way to hone his body. Jack has been known to teach his unique style of magic to those he deems worthy.

His ultimate goal is to find learn the rarest of osteomancy spells, rumored to allow the caster to telepathically control the skeletons of others.

1st Level Magic-User and Elf Spell
Range: 0
Duration 6 turns
This spell allows the caster to dissolve his bones (which reform after the spell is over). His move becomes 10' (3'), but he can now squeeze through any surface that has at least a diameter of 8 inches. Casting the spell puts quite a bit of strain on the caster and he takes 1 point of Constitution damage (which is healed when takes 8 hours of rest).

Bone Spur
2nd Level Magic-User and Elf Spell
Range 0
Duration: 12 turns

This spell allows the caster to extend his bones out of his hands/feet to create natural weapons. These weapons are considered magical for the purposes of damaging creatures. Casting the spell puts quite a bit of strain on the caster and he takes 1 point of Constitution damage (which is healed when takes 8 hours of rest).

Armored Core
2nd Level Magic-User and Elf Spell
Range: 0
Duration: 6 Turns

This spell allows the caster to turn his skeleton (or core) into armor. During the spells duration the caster is assumed to have an Armor Class of 6 (though this doesn't affect his spell-casting). Casting the spell puts quite a bit of strain on the caster and he takes 1 point of Constitution damage (which is healed when takes 8 hours of rest).

Knit the the Flesh and Set the Bone
3rd Level Magic-User and Elf Spell
Range: 0
Duration: Permanent

This spell is the same as the first level cleric spell Cure Light Wounds. This also heals constitution damage caused by Osteomancy spells (such as Bone Spur).

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Quick Update

I just wanted to post a little heads up to everyone. My posts for the next week or so may be sporadic.  This morning my grandmother passed away. We didn't always see eye to eye on everything, but I loved her dearly and she will be missed.

 Obviously my blog isn't the highest on my list of priorities, but I will try to get posts together and scheduled.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

N is for Necromancer


When I think of iconic villains, they are one of the first to come to mind. In some ways they are some of the most frightening villains. Demons and devils corrupt and torment because it's their nature. Dragons have an innate need to subjugate those around them and amass treasure. Necromancers however are mortals who willing traffic with the dead. The willingly expose themselves to rot, disease, and the antithesis of life itself. That's scary enough, but then you have to deal with their undead servants.

Grab you're holy symbol and prepare your blades and spells, because N is for Necromancer...

Lydia, the Slaymate

"Will you play with me?"

The horrifying undead abomination known as Lydia is the creation of the insane necromancer, Strixus the Purtrid. A child tortured and corrupted by the necromancers spells, she eternally roams as a macabre undead child. He small frame hides horrifying strength, which a deadly combination with her ghoul-like touch. She roams the country side looking for playmates. If suitable corpses can't be found, she will make new ones. Unfortunately, mindless undead bore her, so she is always searching for a new friends.

Lydia would be a pitiable creature, if not for her terrible temper and bloodlust. She envies and hates the child assassin, Valérie. The undead pair always clash when in the same area.

Armor Class:6
Hit Dice: 8
HP: 45
Move: 90' (30')
Attacks: Necrotic Touch
Damage: 1d10 + Special
Save As: Fighter 8
Morale: 7
Alignment: Chaotic

Lydia is undead, which grants her immunity to sleep, charm, and hold spells. In addition she can only be hit with magical weapons, silver, and blessed weapons.

Lydia can cast Animate Dead once per week. She also has unholy strength and she may paralyze (as a ghoul) with her touch.

M is for Mask

While I've trying to prep my posts in advance, occasionally I've been typing them the day of. That was what I was planning no doing with M. Unfortunately my grandmother has been very ill and I had to take the day off of work yesterday to go visit her before she passed. Therefore there will be two posts today, one of M and one for N. This is basically a repeat post, but it was a post that I liked originally that really didn't get a attention, so here it is again.

The mask of Satan (aka Black Sunday) is a fantastic black and white horror film about a witch's ghost. I know I have a few fellow bloggers that love this one as much as I do. If you've not seen it, do yourself a favor and watch it.

M is for Mask... of SATAN!!!!

Mask of Satan
Description: This grotesque looking mask is used as a punishment for witches and others that would consort with Satan. The metal mask has spikes on the inside. As the mask is hammered onto the to damned one's face, the spikes penetrate the flesh. This process causes 1d4+2 damage per round of hammering. Once the mask is "donned" the bearer is marked as a servant of Satan.

*if using a system other than LotFP, the price becomes 25 gp

I have a few magical variations of the mask that are my own devising.

Blessed Mask
This variation of the mask is created from cold iron taken from church bells and blessed in holy water by a priest. Any spawn of Satan wearing this mask is rendered vulnerable to mundane weapons. In addition if they are buried within site of a cross they can not return to life. The tricky part is getting the Hellspawn to wear it.

Innocent Blood
In the past this particular mask was hammered on to a falsely accused witch. This accursed action imbued the mask with sentient malevolence. The inquisitor/witch finder that owns this mask will act as though they've been affected by a Suggestion spell. They will begin to believe that there is a grand witch conspiracy and they will be distrustful of those around them (even close allies). The evil essence that inhabits the mask will seek to subtly influence the owner into believing that an innocent is actually a witch. The mask continues to influence the owner until either the owner relinquishes possession of the mask (unlikely) or the owner uses the mask (at which point the masks reveals the error of their deeds to the horror of the witch finder).

Monday, April 14, 2014

Mastermind Monday - Devilfish

Devilfish (X'vtim Marsh)

I'm going to make you sleep with the fishes is a horrifying threat in the New Punverse, when you have to deal with the likes of Devilfish and the Sea Devils. The deep one gangster is the great grandson of the founder of the Sea Devils and the son of the elder deep one (and priest of Cthulhu), Father Dagon. Unlike his religious (and inhuman) father, X'vtim has a love for the finer things in life. Unless getting his hands dirty, he's rarely seen without a Cuban cigar and fresh-custom tailored suit. Unlike most of his brethren, he's quite charming, something even his enemies acknowledge. 

Devilfish currently controls most of the vice on the eastern coast of the US. He has connections/spies hidden among the Atlantean population and it's rumored that a prominent aquatic hero is actually his son, when means that he's connected to the Atlantean throne.

Devilfish - PL 10

Strength 10, Stamina 10, Agility 6, Dexterity 4, Fighting 10, Intellect 4, Awareness 4, Presence 4

Diehard, Favored Environment (Aquatic), Power Attack


Athletics 6 (+16), Expertise: Criminal 10 (+14), Expertise: Streetwise 4 (+4), Expertise: Current Events 6 (+12) Intimidation 10 (+14), Stealth 8 (+14), Vehicles 4 (+5) 

Deep One Hybrid (13 Points): Immunity: Drowning, Senses 1 (Low-Light Vision), Movement 1 (Environmental Adaptation: Aquatic), Swimming 10 (500 MPH) 

Initiative +4
Unarmed +10, Damage 10


Daddy Issues: Devilfish is the son of Father Dagon and an unfortunate human. Unlike his Chtulhu worshiping father, Devilfish likes the material world.

The Innsmouth Look: Like other deep one hybrids, Devilfish has amphibious features. They can be concealed if he sticks to the shadows and wears things like trench coats and wide brimmed hats.

Languages:  English

Dodge 10, Parry 10, Fortitude 10, Toughness 10, Will 10

Power Points
104 Abilities + 13 Powers + 3 Advantages + 24 Skills (48 Ranks) + 10 Defenses = 154

L is for Lying Cat

Cloak and dagger intrigue has always been a one of my favorite parts of D&D. Sure it doesn't always happen. If you spend 95% of your sessions crawling through crypts and ruins, there's not a lot of room for that sort of thing. However, if you (like me) really enjoy a good urban setting, chock full of thieves, assassins, and spies, cloak and dagger is fantastic. In a game like this, an ally like Saga's Lying Cat would be very handy.

Lying Cat

Lying cats are intelligent large green felines that have the uncanny ability to detect falsehoods. They have the ability to indicate when a verbal statement is a lie, which is indicated by saying the word "Lying." Their powers are limited to the state of the mind of the person speaking. If someone truly believes what they are saying is true, the ability doesn't work, even if the person is giving untrue information. This ability extends to ethical truths as well as factual ones.

Armor Class: 4
Hit Dice: 3

Move: 210' (70')
Attacks: 2 Claws/1 Bite
Damage: 1-4/1-4/1-8
Save As: Fighter 2
Treasure Type: U
Alignment: Neutral

Saturday, April 12, 2014

K is for King

Today's post is dedicated to my favorite vocalist and the man I will be lusting after on stage tonight, Wil Francis (aka William Control). One of my favorite lyrics is, "I'm only human sometimes, I am the king of disorder." This post is a spiritual successor to my I is for Incubus post last year. Yeah, I may be more than a little obsessed with this guy.

*regains composure*

So yeah, K is for King...

William Control

"I'm only human sometime. I am the king of disorder."

Titles: The King of Disorder, The Illuminator, The Revelator
Portfolio: Lust, Love, Art
Worshipers: outcasts, artists, whores, hopeless romantics, freedom fighters
Cleric Alignments
LN   N   CN
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Favored Weapon: Dagger/Razor
Domains: Chaos, Charm, Darkness, Liberation

William Control is a lesser known god of outcasts, art, love, and lust. He commands his followers to "to startle lifeless ones from their profound slumber, rousing from their lethargy with a refreshed awakening."

Once a mortal artist through a series of adventures and hardships he became the consort of the Queen of the Succubi, and eventually a minor god in his own right.

William is universally despised by the gods of law and order. He has friendly relations with the various gods and goddesses of lust, art, and alcohol. To a lesser extent he is on good terms with the gods and goddesses of beauty and love, though they disapprove his self destructive ways. For reasons unknown, he has cordial relations with the gods of death.

Appearance and Emissaries
William appears as a darkly seductive human. He has raven, always styled hair, and tattoos. The smell of leather, lace, and sex accompanies him.


Jude - Jude is a fallen angel and lover of William. She seeks to do William's will on the prime material plane and aid his followers.

Jaxis Black- Jaxis is a succubus and William's chief servant. She loves sweet wine and sweeter company.

Church of William Control
William's "church" is a loose confederation of artists, brothel owners, and outcasts.

Temples and Shrines
William has no temples proper. His worshipers tend to have small shrines dedicated to him in their homes. Dens of vice will occasionally have shrines to the "King of Disorder."

Holy Texts
The only holy texts to the church is a collection of song and prose that William wrote during his mortal years.

William's church has no specific holidays, though his followers tend to enjoy other holidays that promote drinking and debauchery.

Friday, April 11, 2014

J is for Jester

I don't like clowns. They bother me. There's something about the fake painted faces and perpetual smiles that I find unnerving. That being said I love medieval jesters and fools. They're interesting when used normally, they're even better when they're dark and twisted. Cicero of the Dark Brotherhood is one of my favorites. Zak at Playing D&D with Porn Stars had a short but sweet post about cults (which were based on DC villains).

Beware the masked fool, but J is for Jester...

Harleen of Quinzel

art by Liamythesh
Harleen of Quinzel is a mad jester and high cultist of the Cult of the God Who Laughs. She's a dangerous vixen who delights in carnage with murderous glee.

Armor Class: 7
Hit Dice: 5
HP: 30
Move: 180' (60')
Attacks: Hammer
Damage: 1-6
Save As: Thief 5
Morale: 11
Alignment: Chaotic

Harleen of Quinzel has the following Thief abilities: Open Locks 35, Remove Traps 30, Pick Pockets 40, Move Silently 40, Climb Sheer Surfaces 91, Hide in Shadows 30, and Hear Noise 1-3. She also gains a +4 to attack and deals double damage when striking unnoticed.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

I is for Innkeeper

As I mentioned this post the other day, taverns, inns, and bars are an essential part of D&D. Someone needs to run these places and keep them in check. That's why this post is dedicated to the innkeepers, barkeeps, and serving wenches that populate our games.

It be 2 gold a night, because I is for Innkeeper...

Sal Sharptusk

Sal the half-orc is a retired adventurer. In his younger days he traveled the world as a mercenary with his childhood friend (the father of Zalfir). Unlike his brethren, battle never claimed old Sal.

He used the earnings to buy an inn and retire. While uneducated, Sal is a shrewd business man and his experience has taught him a lot. Despite his gruff demeanor, he has a good heart and his establishment is often seen a a safe haven to those in Cheap Side. Sal has a strict no weapons policy in the bar. Guests must stow weapons in Sal's vault (though those staying for the night may store them in their rooms). Despite, the no weapons policy, Sal's Place is often the seen of bar brawls. The old half-orc sometimes encourages these and is known to join in, brandishing his prized war mug.

Sal knows that he won't live forever and having never fathered a son is looking for a suitable heir to inherit his belongings.

War Mug
These ornate drinking vessels were gifted to an ancient order of the Lord of Battle by the priests of the god of drinking for thanks for some long forgotten quest. These ceramic mugs are as hard as steel. They never break and can be used in combat as weapons (inflicting 1d6 bludgeoning damage). They are considered magical weapons for the purposes of damaging creatures and alcohol poured in them never goes flat/sours.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

H is for Hunter

There are many reasons to adventure. Some do it for noble causes, other for the money and fame. Still there are others who do it for the sheer love of the hunt. Today's A-Z post is dedicated to one such individual.

It doesn't matter if you try to cover your tracks, H is for Hunter...


Raid is a juxtaposition of things. Though only 16 years old, he's seen more in his life than most adults. He can fire eldritch energy from his fingertips, but takes relish in using his fists. The son of a wild archmage, he grew up swinging blades and spells. His father refused to let him be a coddled milksop, like most magic users. Instead of studying musty tomes, Raid had to dodge herds of screeching thunderbeasts and silently stalk razor birds.

Outside of the hunt, Raid is a boisterous youth. He loves to scrap and can be quite flirtatious with women, however, while on the hunt he is a silent predator.

Raid, Primal Hunter
Armor Class: 9
Hit Dice: 5
HP: 24
Move: 90' (30')
Attacks: Bladed Staff
Damage: 1d8
Save As: Fighter 4
Morale: 10
Alignment: Neutral

Raid can Usually has the following Magic-User spells memorized: Magic Missile (2X), Web (1X), Invisibility (X1),  Lightning Bolt (X1)

He also knows Detect Magic, Read Languages, and Read Magic.

Raid is normally accompanied by pack of 2-12 normal wolves.

If you haven't noticed, I break the rules with my npc's. I know in basic there is no multiclassing, but I want my NPC's to be versatile. In my mind I see Raid as a barbaric version of Tenser. He can be an unreliable ally, rival, or even enemy. I think he's best if used as all of the above.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

G is for Guide

A second A-Z Post to catch up, since I forgot to post this past Saturday...

Traveling in unknown lands, sometimes players need to hire guides. If you're traversing the Forest of Things-With-Sharp-Teeth-That-Will-Rend-The-Flesh-From-Your-Bones, it might be a good idea to have someone that knows the land.

If you want to make it through the wilderness, you best remember that G is for Guide...

Gurk the Guide

Gurk Bartholomew Goblin is an oddity. He's literate. He's friendly. He's loyal. He is actually quite brave too (at least for a goblin).

When Gurk was a young goblin, he was saved from an owlbear by a group of adventures. The heroes took mercy on the pitiful creature and took him on as a hireling. In particular, the party's wizard and thief took the young goblin under their wing. They taught him to read and the fundamentals of stealth.

After a few years of loyal service, Gurk decided to venture out on his own as a guide for hire. While some balk at the thought of paying a goblin for services, none know the canyons and mountains of the badlands, as well as Gurk.

Gurk, Goblin Guide
Armor Class: 6
Hit Dice: 2
HP: 12
Move: 60' (20')
Attacks: Dagger
Damage: 1d4
Save As: Fighter 1
Morale: 8
Alignment: Neutral

Like all goblins, Gurk has infravision of 90' and takes a -1 penalty to attack rolls in daylight. In natural settings he also has the following Thief abilities: Move Silently 30%, Climb Sheer Surfaces 90%, and Hide in Shadows 25%.

F is for Fortune Teller

If you could know the future, would you want too? Personally, I wouldn't. However, seers, prophets, and fortune tellers are a common element of fantasy that I really enjoy. They're best if used sparingly, but these visionaries can be wonderful plot points and sources of information.  I also have an interest in tarot. I have a few friends that read cards. I own a Thoth Tarot and an Enochian Scrying Tarot. I also have the Pathfinder Harrow deck, which is a lot of fun.

Gazing into my crystal ball, I see that F is for Fortune Teller...

Mad Mag

If you're walking through Cheap Side, you have a chance of running across Mad Mag. The vagrant can often be found ranting and raving to an audience that only she can see. Despite her disheveled appearance, Mag is still quite beautiful.

While most avoid her, some actively seek her out. Despite her seeming madness, Mag has clairvoyant abilities. Many believe she's a witch or seer. Some say she's a fallen angel or risen fiend. Still others claim that she's the last survivor of a royal bloodline from a distant land (and that she's not as mad as she seems).

Mag's Visions

At the DM's discretion Mad Mag may call upon her abilities to help a particular PC. Roll a d12 and consult the table below. The result may be adjusted at the DM's discretion based on the PC's recent actions and treatment of Mag.

1 (or less) -A hex upon you! - The PC has offended some power. For the next week the player suffers a -1 penalties to all to hit rolls.
2-7 - Something things must be done by mortals alone. - Mag gives the player a bit of advice, but no magical aid is gained.
8 - Fate will intervene. - Destiny gives a helping hand to PC. The next time they would be forced to make a saving throw, the player receives a +4 bonus to their next saving throw.
9 -The gods *chuckle* or perhaps something more sinister smiles upon you. - For the next week the PC gains a +1 bonus on all to hit rolls.
10 - What is the object of your heart's desire? - Mag casts a Locate Object spell. The player simply needs to tell Mag the object to be located.
11 - Through stranger eyes you will find guidance. - The player gains the ability to see through another's eyes. Treat this as a Clairvoyance spell.
12 - I am their vessel. - The greater powers speak through Mag. Treat this as a Commune spell
13+ - They aren't done with you yet. - The next time the player would be reduced to 0 or fewer hit points they are returned to life at 1 HP.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Mastermind Monday - The Sea Devils

While I don't want to get too crazy in the mythos for my homebrew setting, I would like a touch of it.

The Sea Devils

Based in Boston, the Sea Devils have terrorized New England in one way or another since colonial days. Founded by the Erik Marsh in the early days of America, the gang was originally a religious cult that sought to awaken slumbering Cthulhu. To gain resources and spread influence, they used their amphibious heritage to become smugglers. Eventually they branched into other vice and many among the family lost sight of their original mission. This suited the elders, who rather liked the opulent life-style crime gave them. 

The modern organization only pays lip service to Father Dagon and Cthulhu. They are led by the deep one gangster, Devilfish. Despite operating in different cities, they often clash with NYC's Demon and his partner Kid Goblin. It should be noted that there is a silent minority that seeks to return the organization to its original purpose.

Deep One Hybrid Toughs - PL 5
Strength 4, Stamina 4, Agility 1, Dexterity 1, Fighting 4, Intellect 1, Awareness 1, Presence -2

Equipment: brass knuckles, light pistol, cell phone

Diehard, Equipment 2, Favored Environment (Aquatic)


Athletics 6 (+10), Expertise: GM's Choice 4 (+4), Expertise: Criminal 4 (+4), Expertise: Streetwise 4 (+4), Expertise: Current Events 2 (+2) Intimidation 6 (+8), Stealth 2 (+3), Vehicles 4 (+5) 


Deep One Hybrid (2 Points): Immunity: Drowning, Senses 1 (Low-Light Vision)

Initiative +1
Unarmed +4, Damage 5
Light Pistol +1, Ranged Damage 3


Call of Cthulhu: The toughs feels the "pull" of the sea. Few things can force a hybrid to leave a coastal area. In addition, the thug will full a connection to nearby deep one communities. This pull must be resisted daily with a Will resistance check (DC 20).

The Innsmouth Look: Deep one hybrid toughs appear fish-like. They typically have scales, webbed fingers, and frog/fish/squidlike features, and/or gills. For this reason, many thugs wear clothing that will conceal their features and stick to the shadows. 

Languages:  English

Dodge 4, Parry 4, Fortitude 5, Toughness 4, Will 3

Power Points
28 Abilities + 2 Powers + 4 Advantages + 16 Skills (32 Ranks) + 6 Defenses = 56

Next week I will give details on the villainous Devilfish.