Sunday, July 30, 2023

Call Girl of Cthulhu (2014)


Carter is a 20 something artist. Much to his dismay, he's also a virgin. Things start to change when he falls in love with a call girl named Riley with an unusual birthmark on her ass. The pair find their fates entwined with a cult of Cthulhu.


It's sounds weird, but I've actually been wanting to watch this movie for just shy of a decade. As soon as I saw the trailer, it was added to my Amazon wishlist. However, I never pulled the trigger and never rented. However, the film recently dropped on Tubi here in the States so I was finally able to check it out (for free).

As you can probably tell this one isn't high art. It's a low budget raunchy horror comedy. That being said the effects aren't that bad. There's plenty of gore that looks fine. There are some great practical effects, including a sentient toothy penis, that look... well it feels weird to say good, but you get the idea. Unsurprisingly there's a lot of skin in this one. There are some funny nods to Lovecraft too, with character and product names, but they happen so regularly that I'm sure I missed some.

Despite the absurd premise, this movie has a lot of heart. You root for Carter and Riley, even though you know their relationship is doomed. While you know things go badly (as the movie is Carter going over the events with an investigator), the movie still zigged when I thought it was going to zag and kept me engaged. If you want a flick that's somewhere between Stuart Gordon and Brian Yuzna's tits and gore take on Lovecraft and the gonzo horror-comedy of Troma, you should check this one out.

In Your Game

There aren't a lot of new ideas in this one to create content from, unless you want to include Lovecraftian std mutants in your game (which I don't, but hey you do you).

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