Monday, August 21, 2023

VtM: Winter's Teeth #7

Surprisingly, Cecily only appears in the very beginning. The Winter's Teeth segment of the issue focuses on Ali, Calder, and a Cull. There is a tradition in the Camarilla in which mortals that have been exposed to vampire society are killed. In order to appease a high ranking member of his Clan, Calder orders one. The mortals are medical professionals, ex-lovers, a few potential hunters, and Cecily's sister's nurse, Irma. Ali negotiates for Irma's releases, but in the end is forced to kill her to safe the life of the child of suspected hunter. She is then told she must kill the child anyway and show proof. She appears to do so, though we never see it happen and she tosses the boy's ear to Calder. The elder, Carfax arrives in the Twin Cities and notes his friend, Elana is never late. In the final panel we see Elana captured and the revelation that the boy not only is alive, but also the hunter!

In The Anarch's Tale Part 7 we find out that Colleen is having a great time. She is working at a dinner called Red's Brewing. Here she learns about Thin-Blood Alchemy, a new power in the 5th edition of the game. She tests a new formula and while it initially appears to do nothing, it's later revealed to have temporarily stopped time (or at least appeared so). We also see that someone is secretly monitory her and the restaurant. The game stats connect back to the anarchs and we get game stats for Colleens sire, the Gangrel Mitch Pendergrass. 

This was definitely a bombshell issue. I didn't expect anything that happened (other than assuming that Ali didn't actually kill the boy). While it's possible this happened because she has a kind heart, the child is shown to have a bloody hammer, the symbol of the Mortician's Army and it's quite possible she knew who he was. I can't wait to find out.

Snag issue #7 here.

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